Minor Uses Table of Needs and Emergency authorisations

The current table includes minor uses needs of 28 Member countries (25 EU Member States, plus Norway, Switzerland and Macedonia). When Member countries have indicated the same needs, these needs are displayed in one single line in this table.

In 2020, the MUCF made a comparison between the EUMUDA table of needs and Emergency authorisations granted over the period 2017-2019 (click here to download the excel file with the emergency authorisations).

One conclusion of this survey showed that 70 % of the 100 first priorities were covered with Emergency authorisations under Article 53

Further details on these emergency authorisations can be found here, on the website of the Pesticides database of the European Commission

Select european zone(s) :
Crop EPPO Code Crop common name Crop qualifier Pest EPPO Code Pest scientific name Pest common name Frequency Priority total points Member States          Area of use Function CEG Number of Emerg. auth. on the period 2017-2019 EPPO Crop Group EPPO Crop Sub Group EPPO Pest Group EPPO Pest Sub Group
Crop EPPO Code Crop common name Crop qualifier Pest EPPO Code Pest scientific name Pest common name Frequency Priority total points Member States          Area of use Function CEG Number of Emerg. auth. on the period 2017-2019 EPPO Crop Group EPPO Crop Sub Group EPPO Pest Group EPPO Pest Sub Group
RUBID raspberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 19 54 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Southern: FR,IT,PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 45 fruit crops small fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 15 48 Northern: EE,SE
Southern: ES,FR,PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 23 fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion PERODE Peronospora destructor downy mildew 15 47 Northern: DK,EE,LT,LV,SE
Southern: FR,PT
f,fg,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 14 41 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LV,NO,SE
Central: BE,CH,NL,SI,SK
Southern: CY,ES,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 17 41 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LT,LV,NO,SE
Southern: PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNAV sweet cherry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 11 36 Northern: DK
Southern: CY,ES,PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 63 fruit crops stone fruit crops
ALLCE onion HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 13 34 Northern: EE,LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,HU,NL,PL,SI,SK
Southern: FR,PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
VACCO blueberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 12 33 Northern: EE
Southern: ES,IT,PT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 22 fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLCE onion FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 13 31 Northern: DK,EE,LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,NL,PL,SI,SK,UK
Southern: FR
f,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 11 31 Northern: FI,LT,NO,SE
Central: AT,BE,IE,SI,UK
Southern: IT,PT
f,fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops small fruit crops
MABSD apple VENTIN Venturia inaequalis scab of apple 9 30 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: NL,UK
Southern: FR,IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 21 fruit crops pome fruit crops
HUMLU hop PSPEHU Pseudoperonospora humuli downy mildew 14 29 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Southern: ES,FR
f fungicide Hops 5 arable crops no crop group defined
BRSOK broccoli HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 13 28 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LV,SE
Southern: PT
fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 11 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FRAAN strawberry TARSPA Phytonemus pallidus strawberry mite 9 28 Northern: EE,FI,LT,NO,SE
Central: BE,DE,HU,PL
f,fg,u acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSRR turnips HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 11 27 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,CH,DE,IE,NL,SI
Southern: FR,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LYPES tomato VASALY Aculops lycopersici tomato mite 9 26 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,CH,HU,NL,UK
Southern: PT
fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 8 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 11 26 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LV,SE
Central: BE,CH,IE,NL,SI
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
LACSA lettuce NASORN Nasonovia ribisnigri aphids 10 26 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: CH,DE,PL,SI,UK
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CUMSA cucumber ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 8 26 Northern: DK,EE,LT,SE
Central: IE,NL,PL,SI
fg,g,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 13 25 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LV,NO,SE
Central: BE,NL,PL,SI,SK,UK
Southern: FR
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 8 25 Northern: EE,FI,LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: PL,SI
f,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RIBNI black currant DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 10 25 Northern: EE
Southern: FR,IT
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 23 fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 10 25 Northern: EE,SE
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 24 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant ERPHRI Cecidophyopsis ribis black currant gall mite 13 25 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Southern: FR
f,u acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops small fruit crops
HUMLU hop SPHRMA Podosphaera macularis powdery mildew 12 24 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: AT,BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: ES,FR
f fungicide Hops 3 arable crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 9 24 Northern: DK,EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: PL,SI,SK
f,g,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
HUMLU hop VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 11 24 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f fungicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
PRNDO european plum LASPFU Grapholita funebrana plum fruit moth 9 24 Northern: EE,FI,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,PL,SK
Southern: FR
f,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 15 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RUBID raspberry PHYTFU Phytophthora rubi Phytophthora 12 24 Northern: DK,EE,LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: IE,SI,UK
Southern: FR,IT,PT
f,fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLCE onion THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 11 23 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: CH,DE,HU,IE,PL,SI
Southern: PT
f,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 9 23 Northern: DK,EE,LT,SE
Central: BE,IE,SK,UK
Southern: IT
f,fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion SCLOCE Stromatinia cepivora Sclerotinium 11 23 Northern: DK,EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: NL,PL,SI,UK
Southern: FR,PT
f,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion BOTRAL Botrytis allii Botrytis 8 23 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MELGHA Meloidogyne hapla nematodes 10 22 Northern: DK,EE,LV,SE
Central: CH,DE,PL,SI,UK
Southern: PT
f,u nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 8 22 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: AT,BE,IE,SI
fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 9 21 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LT,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI,UK
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLCE onion SCLESQ Botryotinia squamosa Botrytis 9 21 Northern: DK,EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,PL,SI
Southern: PT
f,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
HUMLU hop YHOPP hop trimming chemical basal defoliation (chemical pruning) 9 21 Central: AT,BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: ES,FR
f herbicide Hops 5 arable crops no crop group defined
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 7 21 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: AT,NL,SI
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
LACSA lettuce RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 12 21 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Southern: IT,PT
fg,g,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
FRAAN strawberry FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 6 21 Northern: DK,EE,LT
Central: BE,UK
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 8 20 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: DE,NL,SI,SK
f,fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 8 20 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: NL,PL,SI
fg,g,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato GNORAB Tuta absoluta tomato leaf miner 9 20 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO
Central: NL,SI,SK,UK
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 15 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
HUMLU hop OTIOLI Otiorhynchus ligustici lovage weevil 7 20 Central: CZ,DE,PL,SI,SK
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops 1 arable crops no crop group defined
HUMLU hop PHODHU Phorodon humuli aphids 10 20 Northern: SE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI,SK
Southern: ES,FR
f insecticide Hops 8 arable crops no crop group defined
HUMLU hop PSYIAT Psylliodes attenuata flea beetles 8 20 Central: AT,BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops 1 arable crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple ERISLA Eriosoma lanigerum aphids 8 20 Northern: NO,SE
Central: AT,DE,HU,SK,UK
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSNA swedish turnip HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 7 19 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: BE,IE,SI
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SPQOL spinach PEROFS Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae downy mildew 10 19 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: BE,CH,HU,NL,PL,SI
Southern: FR
fg,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot HETDCA Heterodera carotae nematodes 7 19 Northern: LV,SE
Central: PL,SI
Southern: CY,FR,PT
f,fg,u nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
MABSD apple NECTGA Neonectria ditissima European canker of apple 7 19 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: NL,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 16 fruit crops pome fruit crops
HUMLU hop TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 10 19 Northern: EE
Southern: ES,FR
f acaricide Hops 6 arable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot TRIZAP Trioza apicalis carrot psyllid 7 19 Northern: EE,FI,LV,NO,SE
Central: CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VACCO blueberry DIAPVA Diaporthe vaccinii dieback 7 19 Northern: EE,LV,NO
Central: CH,IE,SI
Southern: ES
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry ACEIGR Phyllocoptes gracilis raspberry mite 7 18 Northern: EE,FI,LT,SE
Central: AT,CH,SI
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
CUMSA cucumber DIDYBR Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum gummy stem blight 9 18 Northern: DK,EE,LV,SE
Central: BE,NL,PL,SI,UK
fg,g,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry ANTHRU Anthonomus rubi black anthonomus 7 18 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: AT,BE,HU
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 9 18 Northern: DK,EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: NL,PL,SI,UK
f,fg,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot ALTEDA Alternaria dauci Alternaria 11 18 Northern: DK,EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: CH,HU,PL,SI,UK
Southern: PT
f,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 11 17 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LT,LV,SE
Central: CH,HU,NL,SI
Southern: FR
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
HUMLU hop PYRUNU Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer 8 17 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 8 17 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,PL,SI,UK
fg,g,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
HUMLU hop AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 7 17 Northern: EE
Central: CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MHTPO Marchantia polymorpha moss/liverwort 7 17 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: DE,SI
f,fg herbicide Ornamentals
CUMSA cucumber TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 8 17 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: NL,PL,SI,UK
fg,g,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PYUCO pear PSYLPI Cacopsylla pyri pear psylla 8 17 Northern: LV,NO,SE
Central: AT,DE,PL,UK
Southern: ES
f,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 7 17 Northern: DK,EE,NO
Central: BE,CH,DE
Southern: ES
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ANTHPO Anthonomus pomorum apple blossom weevil 8 17 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: AT,DE,HU,NL
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 16 fruit crops pome fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 8 16 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: AT,NL,SI
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
PRNDO european plum DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 9 16 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,CH,DE,NL,SI,UK
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 42 fruit crops stone fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 8 16 Northern: DK,FI,NO,SE
Central: BE,IE,UK
Southern: PT
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops no crop group defined
AGARBI button mushroom VERTFU Lecanicillium fungicola Verticillium 10 16 Northern: EE
Southern: ES,FR
g,i fungicide Mushrooms 1 vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
AGARBI button mushroom DACYDE Hypomyces rosellus cobweb 7 16 Central: BE,HU,IE,SI,UK
Southern: ES,FR
i fungicide Mushrooms 3 vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
OCIBA basil PEROBE Peronospora belbahrii downy mildew 10 16 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: BE,CH,HU,SI
Southern: FR,IT,PT
f,fg fungicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PRNCF cherry plum RHAGCE Rhagoletis cerasi cherry fruit fly 5 16 Northern: NO,SE
Central: AT,BE
Southern: ES
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple ARGYCO Argyresthia conjugella apple fruit moth 4 16 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 10 16 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,CH,NL,PL,SI,UK
fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 9 15 Northern: DK,EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: PL,SI,UK
Southern: PT
f,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3HERC herb crops POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 7 15 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,BE,DE,NL
Southern: PT
f,fg herbicide Fresh herbs weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PYUCO pear ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 8 15 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: BE,CH,DE
Southern: ES
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 12 fruit crops pome fruit crops
LYPES tomato FULVFU Fulvia fulva leaf mould 6 15 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: CH,IE,SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 6 15 Northern: EE,LV,SE
Central: HU,SI,SK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLFI welsh onion THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 7 15 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,HU,PL,SI
Southern: CY
f,fg,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 7 15 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: BE,SI
Southern: EL,IT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond EURTAM Eurytoma amygdali Eurytoma 4 15 Central: HU,SI
Southern: ES,FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 6 15 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
fg fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
APUGD celery SEPTAP Septoria apiicola Septoria 8 14 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: HU,IE,SI,UK
Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 8 14 Northern: EE,SE
Central: IE,NL,PL,SI,UK
Southern: FR
f,g,u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 8 14 Northern: DK,EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI,UK
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOL white cabbage THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 8 14 Northern: EE,FI,LV,SE
Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FIUCA figs CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 5 14 Central: SI
Southern: CY,EL,ES,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
RIBNI black currant SPHRMU Podosphaera mors-uvae powdery mildew 6 14 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: AT,SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNAR apricot DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 7 14 Northern: EE
Central: AT,CH,DE,SI
Southern: CY,ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 19 fruit crops stone fruit crops
APUGV wild celery PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 8 14 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: ES,FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PODOXA Podosphaera xanthii powdery mildew 9 14 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: IE,NL,PL,SI
g,u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 8 14 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: HU,SI,SK,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 9 14 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: BE,IE,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco PEROTA Peronospora hyoscyami downy mildew 8 14 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f,u fungicide Tobacco 1 arable crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple CARPPO Cydia pomonella codling moth 5 13 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 8 13 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI,SK,UK
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 20 fruit crops small fruit crops
IUGRE walnut XANTJU Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis bacteria 4 13 Central: HU,SI
Southern: ES,FR
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
BRSOK broccoli PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 8 13 Northern: DK,EE,FI,LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BEAVD beetroot CERCBE Cercospora beticola Cercospora 7 13 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: HU,SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 7 13 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: DE,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 9 13 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: BE,DE,NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
FRAAN strawberry THRIFU Thrips fuscipennis thrips 4 13 Northern: LT,NO,SE
Central: UK
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 4 13 Northern: DK,SE
Central: NL,SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
3HERC herb crops FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 6 12 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
PRNDO european plum HOPLFL Hoplocampa flava plum sawfly 5 12 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: DE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RUBID raspberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 5 12 Northern: SE
Central: AT,CH,SI
Southern: PT
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLSA garlic SCLOCE Stromatinia cepivora Sclerotinium 6 12 Northern: DK,EE,LT,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ASPOF asparagus FUSAAS Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi Fusarium 6 12 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: CH,SI,UK
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ALLSA garlic THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 6 12 Northern: EE,LV,SE
Central: SI
Southern: CY,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 6 12 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI,SK
Southern: ES,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 9 12 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: AT,BE,DE,NL,SI
Southern: FR
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 6 12 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 6 12 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
CUUMA giant pumpkin ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 6 12 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: IE,SI,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BRSOG kohlrabi HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 9 12 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: CH,HU,NL,SI,SK
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple PODOLE Podosphaera leucotricha powdery mildew 6 12 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: IE,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSNN oilseed rape PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 5 11 Northern: EE,LV
Central: CH,NL,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 arable crops brassica arable crops
PYUCO pear ERPHPI Eriophyes pyri pear leaf blister mite 5 11 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: SI,SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 6 11 Central: AT,CH,DE,HU
Southern: FR,IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants SYNATI Synanthedon tipuliformis currant borer 6 11 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,HU,NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
3HERC herb crops SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 6 11 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,BE,DE
Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
PYUCO pear NECTGA Neonectria ditissima European canker of apple 5 11 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops pome fruit crops
HUMLU hop CIRAR Cirsium arvense creeping thistle 7 11 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f herbicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
PLEUOS oyster mushroom MGASHA Megaselia halterata mushroom fly 5 11 Northern: EE
Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
g,i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
HUMLU hop POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 7 11 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f herbicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined weeds monocotyledonous weeds
VACCO blueberry COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 5 11 Northern: LT,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
DAUCS carrot MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 5 11 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLCE onion ACROAS Acrolepiopsis assectella leek moth 5 11 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
HUMLU hop LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 7 10 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,CZ,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 2 10 Northern: EE,LT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 10 Southern: FR,IT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PAPSO poppy CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 5 10 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SI,SK
Southern: ES
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
SAMNI elderberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 6 10 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,DE,HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 11 fruit crops small fruit crops
CPSAN sweet pepper TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 4 10 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
f,fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 7 10 Northern: EE,NO
Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
BRSOL white cabbage HYLEFL Delia floralis root fly 7 10 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: BE,SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 7 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
HUMLU hop HYDOMI Hydraecia micacea rosy rustic moth 7 10 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops 1 arable crops no crop group defined
RAPSN black Spanish radish PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 6 10 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: CH,DE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 4 10 Northern: EE
Central: CH,HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 7 10 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f,fg fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
HUMLU hop AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 7 10 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 4 10 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
DOSKA kaki PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 4 10 Central: SI
Southern: ES,IT,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
HUMLU hop BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 9 10 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI,SK
Southern: FR
f fungicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
IUGRE walnut RHAGCO Rhagoletis completa fruit flies 4 10 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops nut crops
CUMSA cucumber THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 7 10 Northern: DK,EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CSNSA chestnut ENDOPA Cryphonectria parasitica chestnut blight 4 10 Central: HU,SK
Southern: EL,FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
ALLCE onion ALTEPO Alternaria porri Alternaria 7 10 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco ORARA Orobanche ramosa hemp broomrape 7 10 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f herbicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
PAVSA parsnip PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 7 10 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 7 10 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry PHRARU Phragmidium rubi-idaei rust 7 10 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT,PT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLFI welsh onion PERODE Peronospora destructor downy mildew 5 10 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,IE,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
RUBFR blackberry PERORU Peronospora rubi downy mildew 4 10 Northern: SE
Central: BE,IE,SI
f,fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
HIORH seabuckthorn RHAGBA Rhagoletis batava seabuckthorn fruit fly 3 9 Northern: EE,LT,LV
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RUBID raspberry THOMTE Resseliella theobaldi cane midge 6 9 Northern: NO,SE
Central: CH,HU,SI
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOB cauliflower PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 7 9 Northern: EE,FI,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLSA garlic FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 6 9 Northern: EE,LT,LV,SE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 6 9 Northern: DK,NO,SE
Central: BE,NL
fg,g plant growth regulator Ornamentals
NIOTA tobacco TETREV Tetranychus evansi red spider mite 6 9 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
HUMLU hop PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 6 9 Northern: EE
Central: BE,CZ,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
PRNPS peach, nectarine XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 3 9 Central: HU,SK
Southern: ES
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 6 9 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,SI,UK
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops no crop group defined
FIUCA figs CERPRU Ceroplastes rusci scales 3 9 Central: SI
Southern: CY,EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSCH pak-choi HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 7 9 Northern: DK,EE,NO
Central: AT,NL,SI,UK
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 3 9 Northern: SE
Central: CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CUUPG courgette PODOXA Podosphaera xanthii powdery mildew 7 9 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI,UK
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry ACALCM Acleris comariana strawberry tortrix moth 3 9 Northern: DK,NO,SE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot RHEXCA Rhexocercosporidium carotae Rhexocercosporidium carotae 3 9 Northern: SE
Central: CH,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 3 9 Northern: FI,NO,SE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot MYCCAC Mycocentrospora acerina anthracnose 3 9 Northern: FI,NO,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PUNGR pomegranate APHICY Aphis cytisorum aphids 3 9 Southern: CY,EL,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CUUMA giant pumpkin PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 6 9 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 4 9 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 7 9 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: AT,BE,SI,UK
fg insecticide Ornamentals
RUBFR blackberry PSPESR Peronospora sparsa downy mildew 5 9 Northern: NO
Central: DE,NL,UK
Southern: IT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
LACSC head lettuce SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 6 9 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: IE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSOB cauliflower CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 6 9 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: DE,SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CUMSA cucumber ALTECU Alternaria cucumerina Alternaria 3 9 Northern: EE,LT,SE
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLCE onion POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 7 9 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: DE,NL,SI
Southern: ES
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
AGARBI button mushroom MGASHA Megaselia halterata mushroom fly 6 9 Northern: EE
Central: BE,HU,IE,NL
Southern: ES
g,i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 5 9 Northern: EE
Central: CH,DE,SI
Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 22 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LYPES tomato LYGULI Lygus lineolaris bugs 3 9 Central: CH,NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 6 9 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CICIF witloof chicory NAPOCI Napomyza cichorii witloof leafminer 3 9 Central: CH,NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PUNGR pomegranate BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 3 9 Southern: EL,IT,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 8 Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
MNGIN mango GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 8 Southern: FR,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 2 8 Southern: CY,EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate MYELCE Apomyelois ceratoniae carob moth 2 8 Southern: CY,EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 8 8 Central: CH,HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear CONTPY Contarinia pyrivora pear midge 4 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
ASPOF asparagus AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 3 8 Northern: EE,FI,NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley SEPTPE Septoria petroselini septoria 5 8 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
DAUCS carrot BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 5 8 Northern: EE
Central: DE,IE,NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSRR turnips AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
VACCO blueberry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 8 Northern: LT
Southern: IT
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ERWICH Erwinia chrysanthemi bacterial wilt of ornamentals 5 8 Central: BE,NL,UK
Southern: FR,IT
fg,g bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 8 Northern: SE
Central: UK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
LACSA lettuce MARSPA Microdochium panattonianum anthracnose of lettuce 6 8 Northern: EE,NO
Central: CH,HU,SI
Southern: PT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
RIBRU red and white currants DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 4 8 Central: DE,SI
Southern: IT,PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 17 fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry BYTUTO Byturus tomentosus raspberry beetle 2 8 Northern: EE,NO
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNDO european plum METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PARCR garden parsley PLASPE Plasmopara petroselini downy mildew 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,IE,SI
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 8 8 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: HU,NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
ALLCE onion MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 5 8 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LACSC head lettuce NASORN Nasonovia ribisnigri aphids 8 8 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: HU,NL,SI,UK
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PRNDO european plum HYALPR Hyalopterus pruni mealy plum aphid 5 8 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PAVSA parsnip SOLPS Solanum physalifolium hairy nightshade 2 8 Northern: NO,SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 2 8 Northern: NO,SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry SPHRMA Podosphaera macularis powdery mildew 2 8 Northern: EE,LT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBFR blackberry DASYPL Dasineura plicatrix leaf curling midge 2 8 Central: IE,UK
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PYUCO pear VENTPI Venturia pyrina scab of pear 5 8 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: NL
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 12 fruit crops pome fruit crops
ALLCE onion FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 5 8 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 5 8 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RIBUC gooseberry SPHRMU Podosphaera mors-uvae powdery mildew 5 8 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PHSVX french beans TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI,SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
FIUCA figs CAROAR Silba adipata black fig fly 2 8 Southern: EL,FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 3 8 Central: AT,CH,NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 arable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 6 8 Northern: EE,NO
Central: AT,BE,NL,SI
fg,g acaricide Ornamentals
SPQOL spinach HYPELA Hyperomyzus lactucae aphids 5 8 Northern: EE,FI
Central: HU,SI
Southern: CY
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
RUBSS Rubus sp. DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 4 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOA kale PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 5 8 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: DE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PIBSX peas HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 5 8 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) MHTPO Marchantia polymorpha moss/liverwort 5 8 Northern: EE,FI
Central: BE,NL,SI
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
BRSOG kohlrabi ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 5 8 Northern: DK
Central: CH,HU,SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot RHIZCA Rhizoctonia carotae storage rot of carrot 2 8 Northern: LT,NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom SCIAMA Lycoriella mali sciarid flies 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,IE,NL
g,i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PEROVO Peronospora violae downy mildew 5 8 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
DAUCS carrot SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 2 8 Northern: FI,NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
LACSA lettuce SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,CH,SI
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
APUGR celeriac SEPTAP Septoria apiicola Septoria 5 8 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: IE,SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 5 8 Northern: EE,LT,NO,SE
Central: SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
MABSD apple DASYMA Dasineura mali apple leaf curling midge 5 8 Northern: FI,LT,SE
Central: HU,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TARSPA Phytonemus pallidus strawberry mite 5 8 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
RIBNI black currant DREPRI Drepanopeziza ribis anthracnose 5 8 Northern: EE,FI,NO
Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOK broccoli BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PUNGR pomegranate ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 2 8 Southern: CY,EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOK broccoli ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 5 8 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI,UK
f,fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
APUGV wild celery APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 5 8 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
Southern: FR,IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PRNCE sour cherry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 4 8 Central: AT,DE,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 40 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BEAVF swiss chard CERCBE Cercospora beticola Cercospora 5 8 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSOL white cabbage CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 5 8 Northern: EE,LV,NO,SE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BRSOL white cabbage ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 5 8 Northern: EE,LV,SE
Central: SI,SK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PHSVX french beans COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 4 7 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot CERCCA Cercospora carotae Cercospora 5 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CUMME melon FUSAME Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis fusarium 5 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,SI
Southern: PT
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco RIZPAR Rhizopus oryzae Wildfire of tobacco 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f fungicide Tobacco 2 arable crops no crop group defined
VICFX broad beans APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 7 7 Northern: EE
Central: DE,HU,SI,SK
Southern: CY,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 7 Northern: EE,LT,NO
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato AGRBRH Rhizobium rhizogenes bacteria 4 7 Northern: EE
Central: BE,NL,SI
g bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 4 7 Northern: NO,SE
Central: BE,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 4 7 Northern: SE
Central: HU,NL,SI
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
NIOTA tobacco SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
fg fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
fg fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco MYZUNI Myzus nicotianae Tobacco aphid 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
fg insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
SPQOL spinach APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 8 7 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: CH,DE,HU,SI
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PYUCO pear HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 4 7 Central: CH,DE,SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 4 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSOA kale PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 7 7 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CPSAN sweet pepper LEVETA Leveillula taurica powdery mildew 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom MYCGPE Hypomyces perniciosus white mould of mushrooms 7 7 Central: BE,IE,NL,SI,UK
Southern: ES,FR
i fungicide Mushrooms 1 vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
PRNDO european plum STIGCA Wilsonomyces carpophilus shot-hole 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 11 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CYUCA cardoons BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 4 7 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: FR,IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
APUGD celery TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 4 7 Northern: EE
Central: DE,SI
Southern: CY
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BEAVD beetroot PLEOBJ Neocamarosporium betae Phoma 4 7 Northern: EE,LT,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear PENARU Pentatoma rufipes forest bug 4 7 Northern: NO,SE
Central: AT,DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum MONILA Monilinia laxa brown rot of fruit 4 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOG kohlrabi BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 7 7 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: CH,SI,SK
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
g insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVF swiss chard APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LYPES tomato BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 4 7 Northern: DK,EE
Central: NL,SI
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
VITVI grapevine DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 19 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOL white cabbage HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 7 7 Northern: EE,LT
Central: BE,SI
Southern: IT,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 5 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
LACSA lettuce SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 7 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: BE,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 7 7 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 4 7 Central: CH,DE,SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 4 7 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
HUMLU hop NPLIPO Neoplinthus tigratus porcatus weevil 4 7 Central: CZ,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot ALTERA Alternaria radicina Alternaria 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
MABSD apple LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 3 7 Northern: NO,SE
Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PIBSX peas APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 8 7 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: BE,DE,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PRNAV sweet cherry RHAGCE Rhagoletis cerasi cherry fruit fly 3 7 Northern: DK
Central: AT,DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
NIOTA tobacco THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 7 7 Central: HU,PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco 1 arable crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 4 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: NL
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSECAD Pseudococcus longispinus mealybugs 7 7 Northern: EE,FI,NO
Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
fg insecticide Ornamentals
PRNDO european plum MONILA Monilinia laxa brown rot of fruit 4 7 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops stone fruit crops
DAUCS carrot AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 4 7 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper COLLCC Colletotrichum coccodes anthracnose 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: ES
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNCF cherry plum MYZUCE Myzus cerasi black cherry aphid 3 6 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOK broccoli HYLEFL Delia floralis root fly 6 6 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CYLAV hazelnuts CURCNU Curculio nucum hazelnut weevil 3 6 Northern: LT
Central: CH
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops nut crops
AGARBI button mushroom DACYSP Dactylium sp. Dactylium 3 6 Central: NL,PL
Southern: FR
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
ALLCE onion LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco EPHEEL Ephestia elutella Tobacco moth 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
i insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
ALLAS shallots THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 6 6 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
VACMA cranberry PHYSVA Phyllosticta vaccinii fruit rot 3 6 Northern: EE,LV
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLSC chives PUCCAL Puccinia allii rust 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK,UK
Southern: CY
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 6 6 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: IT
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom 1TRCDG Trichoderma Trichoderma 6 6 Northern: EE
Central: HU,IE,SI
Southern: ES,FR
g,i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
NIOTA tobacco THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f fungicide Tobacco 2 arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco CYPRO Cyperus rotundus coco grass 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f herbicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
VICFX broad beans HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish PHYEAT Phyllotreta atra altise 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CUUPE marrow PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 6 6 Northern: DK,EE,LT,SE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BEAVD beetroot PEGOHY Pegomya hyoscyami flies 3 6 Northern: DK,EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper AGRBRH Rhizobium rhizogenes bacteria 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
g bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato VASALY Aculops lycopersici tomato mite 3 6 Northern: DK,NO
Central: SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ECHTAM Echinothrips americanus thrips 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Ornamentals
PHSVX french beans APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSDMCI Pseudomonas cichorii bacterial blight of celery 6 6 Central: BE,UK
Southern: FR,IT
fg bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) SCIAAU Lycoriella auripila sciarid flies 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
g insecticide Ornamentals
ORYSA rice HETRO Heteranthera rotundifolia Heteranthera rotundifolia 1 6 Southern: PT
f herbicide Rice 3 arable crops no crop group defined
LACSC head lettuce MARSPA Microdochium panattonianum anthracnose of lettuce 3 6 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CYUCA cardoons LEVETA Leveillula taurica powdery mildew 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PRNDO european plum PPV000 Potyvirus plumpoxi sharka 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry RHAGCE Rhagoletis cerasi cherry fruit fly 2 6 Northern: LV
Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
SPQOL spinach LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 3 6 Central: CH,SI
Southern: CY
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
NIOTA tobacco ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco 3PSGIT PGR shoot growth inhibition Sucker 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f plant growth regulator Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
LACSC head lettuce BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 6 6 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: DE,SI,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VICFX broad beans ASCOFA Ascochyta fabae Ascochyta 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
g fungicide Tobacco 4 arable crops no crop group defined
PAPSO poppy POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 4 6 Northern: EE
Central: AT,HU,SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RIBNI black currant DASYTE Dasineura tetensi black currant leaf midge 4 6 Northern: EE
Central: AT,CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOB cauliflower ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 6 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PIBSX peas ASCOPI Ascochyta pisi Asochyta 4 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: IE,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FRAAN strawberry COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 3 6 Northern: EE,LT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco 1AGRIG Agriotes wireworms 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco 2 arable crops no crop group defined
BOROF common borage BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BRSOK broccoli CONTNA Contarinia nasturtii Swede midge 6 6 Northern: EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
HUMLU hop LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 6 6 Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
RIBNI black currant INCUCA Lampronia capitella currant shoot borer 3 6 Northern: EE,LV,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
NIOTA tobacco 1AGROG Agrotis cutworms 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco 5 arable crops no crop group defined
PAPSO poppy ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 4 6 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SI,SK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 6 6 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
PRNDO european plum PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 3 6 Northern: SE
Central: SI
Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 3 6 Central: SI,SK
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
SPQOL spinach 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 3 6 Central: NL,UK
Southern: FR
f,fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
RUBFR blackberry BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,SI,SK
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNDO european plum TRANPS Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae brown rot 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
ATIDE kiwi PSDMAK Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae bacteria 3 6 Central: SI
Southern: IT,PT
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOK broccoli PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 6 6 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI,SK,UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3CERC cereal crops ALOMY Alopecurus myosuroides blackgrass 1 6 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
VICFX broad beans ARTVU Artemisia vulgaris common wormwood 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
LACSA lettuce BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 6 6 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
APUGV wild celery MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 6 6 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry CHTSFR Chaetosiphon fragaefolii aphids 3 6 Northern: SE
Central: IE
Southern: FR
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry SPHRMA Podosphaera macularis powdery mildew 3 6 Northern: SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSNN oilseed rape MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 3 6 Northern: EE,LV
Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
SPQOL spinach PYTHDE Pythium debaryanum Pythium 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
FAGES buckwheat AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 6 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
NNNBS forest nursery seedlings conifers MHTPO Marchantia polymorpha moss/liverwort 3 6 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f herbicide Ornamentals 2
RUBID raspberry HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 3 6 Central: CH,DE
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,CH,SI,UK
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum STIGCA Wilsonomyces carpophilus shot-hole 3 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CUMSA cucumber BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 3 6 Northern: DK
Central: SI
Southern: ES
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BUXSE box DPHNPE Cydalima perspectalis box-tree pyralid 3 6 Northern: LT
Central: BE,HU
f,fg insecticide Ornamentals 3 ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
DAUCS carrot AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 4 6 Central: AT,DE,SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) APLORI Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi chrysanthemum foliar nematode 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
fg nematicide Ornamentals
SPQOL spinach HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ALLPO leek HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: NL
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
LYPES tomato ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 3 6 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
HUMLU hop 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 5 6 Central: BE,CZ,DE,PL
Southern: FR
f herbicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear PLEOAL Stemphylium vesicarium Stemphylium 3 6 Central: NL,SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PAVSA parsnip ITERPE Itersonilia perplexans canker 3 6 Northern: DK,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
BRSRR turnips ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 3 6 Northern: SE
Central: SI
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LIUUT flax APHTEU Aphthona euphorbiae flea beetles 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
ALLSC chives THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 6 6 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: CY,FR,PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 6 6 Northern: DK,EE,FI,NO,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco MANDSE Manduca sexta carolina sphinx 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
VICFX broad beans CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 3 6 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BRSJU brown mustard PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 3 6 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 6 6 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,FR,IT,MK
f fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
VLLLO lamb's lettuce PEROVA Peronospora valerianellae downy mildew 6 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: CH,NL,SI
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
FRAAN strawberry VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 2 5 Northern: EE,NO
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ORYSA rice CYPDI Cyperus difformis annual sedges 2 5 Southern: ES,PT
f herbicide Rice 14 arable crops no crop group defined
CORSA coriander, common CRTEFU Carterus fulvipes beetles 3 5 Central: AT,SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry XANTFR Xanthomonas fragariae bacteria 2 5 Central: SI,SK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry DOLYBA Dolycoris baccarum sloe bug 2 5 Northern: EE,FI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry DASYPL Dasineura plicatrix leaf curling midge 2 5 Central: IE,UK
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ASPOF asparagus PLEOAL Stemphylium vesicarium Stemphylium 2 5 Southern: EL,FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PRNDU sweet almond MONILA Monilinia laxa brown rot of fruit 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
ABMES okra ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ORYSA rice PYRIOR Pyricularia oryzae blast 2 5 Central: HU
Southern: IT
f fungicide Rice 12 arable crops no crop group defined
PHSVX french beans FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery LYGULI Lygus lineolaris bugs 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLCE onion DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 2 5 Northern: EE,LT
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
FAGES buckwheat CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 2 5 Northern: EE,LV
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RUBID raspberry DIDYAP Xenodidymella applanata spur blight of raspberry 2 5 Northern: EE,NO
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLPO leek NAPOGY Phytomyza gymnostoma onion leaf miner 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ATIDE kiwi HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 2 5 Southern: FR,IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 2 5 Northern: SE
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PIAVE pistachio EURTPL Eurytoma plotnikovi pistachio seed wasp 2 5 Southern: EL,FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
ABMES okra APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 2 5 Northern: NO
Southern: ES
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PAPSO poppy CEUTMA Neoglocianus maculaalba weevils 3 5 Central: AT,SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICEN endive APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 2 5 Central: NL
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ATIDE kiwi PHYTCR Phytophthora cryptogea Phytophthora 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 2 5 Central: NL,UK
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry 3WEEDT weeds weeds 2 5 Northern: FI
Central: NL
f,g herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CUUPE marrow APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 2 5 Northern: NO
Southern: PT
fg,i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 2 5 Northern: SE
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
BRSCH pak-choi LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 2 5 Northern: DK
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot SEMIDA Semiaphis dauci carrot aphid 2 5 Northern: FI,LT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) MEAGPH Ophiomyia phaseoli bean fly 2 5 Central: CH,NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VACMA cranberry DASYVA Dasineura oxycoccana gall midge 2 5 Northern: LV
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
LACSA lettuce FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: BE
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PIBSX peas BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
FIUCA figs DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 2 5 Southern: CY,FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato LEVETA Leveillula taurica powdery mildew 6 5 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: HU,NL,SI
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 2 5 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
APUGD celery SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 2 5 Central: IE,UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 7 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PIBSX peas KAKORO Kakothrips pisivorus thrips 5 5 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
MABSD apple MONIFG Monilinia fructigena brown rot 2 5 Northern: NO
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PIBSX peas LASPNI Cydia nigricana caterpillars 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIAVE pistachio ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 2 5 Southern: ES,FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops nut crops
LACSA lettuce AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSOL white cabbage MYCOBR Neopseudocercosporella brassicae ring spot 5 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI,UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LYPES tomato CYROTE Nesidiocoris tenuis Nesidiocoris 2 5 Central: NL,UK
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 2 5 Northern: EE
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VITVI grapevine EUTYLA Eutypa lata Eutypa 2 5 Northern: SE
Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ORYSA rice 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 2 5 Southern: FR,IT
f herbicide Rice arable crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 5 Southern: FR,IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
RUBID raspberry THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 2 5 Northern: FI
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 2 5 Central: AT,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 11 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LYPES tomato MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 5 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom SCIASP Sciara sp. sciarid 2 5 Central: NL
Southern: FR
i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
LYPES tomato MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
HUMLU hop GIBBPU Fusarium sambucinum gibberella 5 5 Northern: EE
Central: CZ,PL,SI
Southern: FR
f fungicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato PEPMV0 Potexvirus pepini viruses 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RIBRU red and white currants INCUCA Lampronia capitella currant shoot borer 2 5 Northern: EE,LV
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ERUVE salad rockets BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 5 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLCE onion HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 5 5 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PRNAR apricot APPEPR Appelia prunicola brown peach aphid 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOB cauliflower ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PLASOB Plasmopara obducens downy mildew 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
LYPES tomato RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR,PT
f,fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLCE onion AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PRNAV sweet cherry MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 2 5 Northern: DK
Central: UK
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
RIBNI black currant THOMRI Resseliella ribis black currant stem midge 2 5 Northern: EE,LT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CUMSA cucumber AGRBRH Rhizobium rhizogenes bacteria 2 5 Central: BE,SI
g bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNAV sweet cherry PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 2 5 Northern: DK
Central: CH
f,fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
AGARBI button mushroom PSDMTL Pseudomonas tolaasii bacterial spot of mushrooms 2 5 Central: BE,UK
i bactericide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
ANHCO pineapple DIASBR Diaspis bromeliae scales 2 5 Southern: FR,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato PHYTIN Phytophthora infestans Phytophtora 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: NL
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 2 5 Central: NL
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 3 5 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CICEN endive LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 2 5 Central: BE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ALLFI welsh onion HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage CONTNA Contarinia nasturtii Swede midge 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,FI
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PIBSX peas ACYRON Acyrthosiphon pisum aphids 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,UK
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
BRSOR red cabbage PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 5 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RUBID raspberry ANTHRU Anthonomus rubi black anthonomus 6 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,HU,SI
Southern: IT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOR red cabbage HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,IE,NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
HUMLU hop EUPIAS Eupithecia assimilata currant pug moth 5 5 Central: BE,CZ,DE,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato PHTOOP Phthorimaea operculella potato tuber moth 2 5 Southern: ES,PT
f,i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 5 5 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 2 5 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple NFABPE Neofabraea perennans bull's eye rot of apple 2 5 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,FI
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PHSVX french beans BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 5 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
MABSD apple PLESRU Plesiocoris rugicollis apple capsid bug 4 5 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear ANTHPY Anthonomus piri bud weevil 3 5 Central: AT,NL
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
APUGD celery LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: CY
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 5 Southern: FR,IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 5 Southern: FR,IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PARCR garden parsley MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 2 5 Central: BE,NL
f herbicide Ornamentals
BRSOL white cabbage HLULUN Hellula undalis webworm 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum VASAFL Aculus fockeui mites 2 5 Northern: LT,NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
SPQOL spinach MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 5 5 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
NIOTA tobacco CVCSS Cuscuta sp. dodder 5 5 Central: PL
Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
BRSOG kohlrabi MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RUBID raspberry METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 3 5 Northern: SE
Central: AT,SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
LYPES tomato HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 2 5 Central: CH,HU
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic ACEITU Aceria tulipae wheat curl mite 3 5 Northern: EE
Central: AT,SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOK broccoli ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 2 5 Northern: EE,LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
APUGV wild celery ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 2 5 Northern: SE
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 2 5 Northern: EE
Southern: CY
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
LYPES tomato NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 2 5 Central: HU
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
VACCO blueberry PERORU Peronospora rubi downy mildew 3 5 Northern: SE
Central: AT,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
APUGD celery LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 2 5 Northern: DK
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip LEWISC Alternaria scrophulariae lewia 2 5 Northern: DK
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 2 5 Northern: FI
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
PRNAV sweet cherry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 5 Central: NL
Southern: IT
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LAVAN common lavender HYAEOB Hyalesthes obsoletus leafhoppers 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BEAVD beetroot SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 2 5 Northern: EE,LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CITLA watermelon FUSANV Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum fusarium 5 5 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
LACSC head lettuce RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 5 Central: IE,NL
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
RIBNI black currant DASYRS Dasineura ribis black currant flower midge 2 5 Northern: EE,LT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOK broccoli MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 2 5 Central: CH,DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CIDRE mandarin ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 2 5 Central: SI
Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) DUPOFO Duponchelia fovealis caterpillars 2 5 Northern: SE
Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
RUBFR blackberry HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 2 5 Central: DE
Southern: IT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOK broccoli PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 5 5 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
fg bactericide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
PARCR garden parsley ERYSHE Erysiphe heraclei powdery mildew 5 5 Northern: DK,EE,NO
Central: AT,SI
f,fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BRSOK broccoli PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 2 5 Northern: EE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LACSA lettuce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 2 5 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ASPOF asparagus AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 5 5 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 4 Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 4 Northern: NO
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBFR blackberry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: IT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: IT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops small fruit crops
CPSFR chilli TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
f,fg,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PYUCO pear PODOLE Podosphaera leucotricha powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops pome fruit crops
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 4 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
PRNDS mirabelle DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot TAPHDE Taphrina deformans peach leaf curl 1 4 Northern: LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RIBNI black currant TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: IT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNDO european plum PSECCO Pseudococcus comstocki mealybugs 4 4 Central: CH,SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
ABILA subalpine fir EPICT Epilobium ciliatum american willowherb 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Ornamentals
CSNSA chestnut DRYCKU Dryocosmus kuriphilus cynips 4 4 Central: HU,SI,SK
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CUMME melon APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
LIUUT flax ERYSPP Golovinomyces orontii powdery mildew of flax 4 4 Northern: SE
Central: BE,SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
PUNGR pomegranate 1THYSO Thysanoptera thrips 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate ACEIGA Aceria granati mites 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate ALTHFL Aleurothrixus floccosus whiteflies 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate ASPESP Aspergillus sp. fruit rot 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate BOTSSP Botryosphaeria sp. shoot blight and stem canker 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate CONLGR Coniella granati fruit rot 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine PHMOCH Phaeomoniella chlamydospora ESCA 1 4 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops no crop group defined
GLXMA soya beans SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 4 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops legume crops
PUNGR pomegranate TETRSP Tetranychus sp. spider mite 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear DASYPY Dasineura pyri pear leaf midge 4 4 Northern: FI,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
3HERC herb crops SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 4 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
ZEAMS sweet corn 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco MELGAR Meloidogyne arenaria root-knot nematode 4 4 Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco 2 arable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear HOPLBR Hoplocampa brevis pear sawfly 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE,NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 4 Southern: ES
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish ALBUCA Albugo candida white rust 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ASPOF asparagus CRIEAS Crioceris asparagi beetles 4 4 Northern: SE
Central: SI,UK
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 vegetable crops no crop group defined
VICFX broad beans treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) ASCOFA Ascochyta fabae Ascochyta 1 4 Northern: NO
u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
ASPOF asparagus PLPRPO Plioreocepta poeciloptera asparagus fly 1 4 Central: CH
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
APUGD celery 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PARCT turnip-rooted parsley POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 4 Southern: PT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
VICFX broad beans MEAGPH Ophiomyia phaseoli bean fly 1 4 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PAPSO poppy STESFU Stenocarus ruficornis weevils 2 4 Central: AT,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 4 4 Northern: NO,SE
Central: BE,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PIUPN pine nut LEPLOC Leptoglossus occidentalis Western conifer seed bug 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops nut crops
MNGIN mango 1BCTRG Bactrocera fly 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ATIDE kiwi 1DIASF Diaspididae scales 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIDE kiwi 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIDE kiwi ALTESP Alternaria sp. blights 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIDE kiwi CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
GGGGG grasses grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PUCCGR Puccinia graminis black stem rust 1 4 Central: NL
f fungicide Ornamentals
ATIDE kiwi PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIDE kiwi PLEOHE Pleospora herbarum leaf spot 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
3HSMC herbs, spices and medicinal crops 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
VICFX broad beans BRCHRU Bruchus rufimanus weevils 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIAVE pistachio BOTSDO Botryosphaeria dothidea blight - panicle & shoot 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops nut crops
3HSMC herbs, spices and medicinal crops SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 4 Central: UK
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
BEAVD beetroot RAMUBE Ramularia beticola Ramularia 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops no crop group defined
PRNDO european plum POLTRU Polystigma rubrum brown spots of leaves 1 4 Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
3LEGC legume crops 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
VITVI grapevine PHYP64 Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma flavescence doree 1 4 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry PHYTFR Phytophthora fragariae red stele 4 4 Northern: EE,NO
Central: NL
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBFR blackberry 1PHYTG Phytophthora Phytophthora 1 4 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
DIPTE perennial wallrocket PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 4 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3LFBC leafy brassica crops DEROAG Deroceras agreste slug 1 4 Central: UK
f molluscicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
VICFX broad beans AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
1PINF Pinaceae HYLOSP Hylobius sp. Hylobius 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Ornamentals
DAUCS carrot NAPOCA Napomyza carotae carrot miner 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLCE onion POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 4 Central: PL
u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
1NARG Narcissus URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 4 Central: UK
f herbicide Ornamentals herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGD celery SOLTU Solanum tuberosum potato 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops no crop group defined
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants SEIRCA Seiridium cardinale seiridium canker 1 4 Central: HU
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
DAUCS carrot SOLPN Solanum nitidibaccatum 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
MABSD apple QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 3 4 Central: DE,SK
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
DOSVI American persimmon MYCONA Plurivorosphaerella nawae persimmon foliar spot 1 4 Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
1NARG Narcissus SCLENA Sclerotinia narcissicola smoulder 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Ornamentals
3BEEC beet crops CHAECO Chaetocnema concinna sugarbeet flea beetle 1 4 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
VACMA cranberry BOTSVA Botryosphaeria vaccinii fruit rot of cranberry 1 4 Northern: LV
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 4 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
AFEGR dill AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
BEAVF swiss chard ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 1 4 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) 1MIRIF Miridae bugs 1 4 Central: NL
fg insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
BEAVF swiss chard PLEOBJ Neocamarosporium betae Phoma 1 4 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VACCO blueberry HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 4 Southern: IT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
EIOJA loquat GYMNJU Gymnosporangium juniperinum rust 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato 3ANDIT annual dicotyledonous weeds annual broadleaf weed 1 4 Southern: CY
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato 3ANMNT annual monocotyledonous weeds annual grass weed 1 4 Southern: CY
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
APUGR celeriac 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
1NARG Narcissus RAMUVA Ramularia vallisumbrosae white mould 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Ornamentals
ANUCH cherimoya CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
1CIDG citrus fruits TRIZER Trioza erytreae citrus psilla 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
APUGD celery BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 4 Central: IE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) 3PGWRT PGR growth reduction pgr growth reduction 1 4 Northern: SE
g plant growth regulator Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
VACCO blueberry 1APHCG Aphidecta aphids 1 4 Central: IE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
3BEEC beet crops MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 4 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
1NARG Narcissus FUSANA Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. narcissi fusarium 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Ornamentals
1NARG Narcissus DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 4 Central: UK
f nematicide Ornamentals
PARCR garden parsley 2WEED weed plants weeds 1 4 Central: CH
f herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
FRAAN strawberry MELOME Melolontha melolontha worms 1 4 Northern: LV
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSPK peking cabbage SCATFL Scaptomyza flava leaf miners 1 4 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
IRISS iris ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 1 4 Central: NL
f bactericide Ornamentals
ALLPO leek STEMSP Stemphylium sp. 1 4 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
IUGRE walnut COLLSP Colletotrichum sp. anthracnose 1 4 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut DIPDSE Diplodia seriata fruit rot 1 4 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
DAUCS carrot ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
1GLAG Gladiolus FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 4 Central: UK
fg insecticide Ornamentals
VACCO blueberry METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 4 Northern: LT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
PHSVX french beans SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
LACSA lettuce 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 4 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
FRAAN strawberry 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 4 Northern: NO
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce LYGULI Lygus lineolaris bugs 1 4 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot 3ANDIT annual dicotyledonous weeds annual broadleaf weed 1 4 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
TROPS salsify 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 4 Northern: FI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 1 4 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSCH pak-choi PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 5 4 Northern: DK,EE,LV,NO
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PYUCO pear PSYLPY Cacopsylla pyrisuga pear sucker 2 4 Northern: SE
Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
ERUVE salad rockets EPIXPU Epitrix pubescens flea beetle 1 4 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
TRFPR red clover grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LACSA lettuce URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 4 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
TRFPR red clover grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 4 Northern: NO
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
TEATE New Zealand spinach PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 4 Northern: FI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SVARE stevia plant SEPTST Septoria steviae Septoria steviae 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
ERUVE salad rockets MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CYUSC globe artichoke TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
DAUCA wild carrot 1PSILF Psilidae psilidae 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
LENCU lentils 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
SPQOL spinach grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ERUVE salad rockets PHYEUN Phyllotreta undulata 1 4 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LACSA lettuce PEMPBU Pemphigus bursarius lettuce root aphid 1 4 Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CYUSC globe artichoke BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PHSVN dwarf french bean HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
BRSNA swedish turnip AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 4 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LILSS lily sp. PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 4 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
SPQOL spinach PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 4 4 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSNA swedish turnip CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CYUSC globe artichoke ASCOHO Ascochyta hortorum fruit spot of artichoke 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley PLASCR Plasmopara crustosa downy mildew 1 4 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BRSNA swedish turnip HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 1 4 Central: IE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ZEAMX maize AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
CYUSC globe artichoke APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BRSNA swedish turnip PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 1 4 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CYUSC globe artichoke APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
LOLPE perennial ryegrass POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 4 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
LUPAL white lupin AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
SOLTU potato LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops no crop group defined
CRYCA common caraway DEPRDA Depressaria daucella moth 1 4 Northern: LT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
NIOTA tobacco HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 4 4 Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco 1 arable crops no crop group defined
ALLSA garlic PSDMSL Pseudomonas salomonii cafe au lait disease 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 1 4 Central: IE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSOA kale MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 4 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 1 4 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
YPFLG forest nursery 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals
LYPES tomato FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PAVSA parsnip SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: HU,NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower CONTNA Contarinia nasturtii Swede midge 4 4 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
OCIBA basil 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PRNAR apricot HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 4 4 Central: AT,CH,DE,HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LYPES tomato TOBRFV Tobamovirus fructirugosum brown rugose fruit virus 1 4 Central: UK
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SPQOL spinach AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LYPES tomato TSWV00 Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae viruses 1 4 Central: HU
fg other Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
VIGSI cowpea UROMAP Uromyces appendiculatus rust 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
RUBFR blackberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 1 4 Central: IE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
MABSD apple 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 4 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSOB cauliflower PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 4 4 Northern: DK,EE,NO,SE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple 1TORTF Tortricidae leaf rollers 1 4 Northern: DK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple 3TARGK Targets targets 1 4 Northern: FI
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple 3TARGK Targets targets 1 4 Central: IE
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
APUGR celeriac SOLPS Solanum physalifolium hairy nightshade 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VIGSI cowpea TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: CY
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple ARVCTE Arvicola terrestris Eurasian Water Vole 1 4 Northern: SE
f rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 1 4 Central: BE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
MABSD apple CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 4 Northern: SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
MABSD apple DYSASP Dysaphis sp. 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts ALBUCA Albugo candida white rust 4 4 Northern: DK,EE,NO
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CUUPG courgette TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
MABSD apple HOPLTE Hoplocampa testudinea sawfly 3 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
IPOBA sweet potato AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 4 Southern: FR
u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
SOLME aubergine TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
1CIDG citrus fruits GEOTCA Geotrichum candidum sour rot of citrus 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 4 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple TMETOC Spilonota ocellana apple bud moth 1 4 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
SOLTU potato DICKDA Dickeya dadantii subsp. dadantii bacterial soft rot 1 4 Central: NL
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
1ASPG Asparagus FUSACU Fusarium culmorum crown and root rot 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PYRPBR Pyrenopeziza brassicae light leaf spot 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 4 4 Central: AT,CH,DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
APUGV wild celery 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 4 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum ANURHE Brachycaudus helichrysi aphids 4 4 Northern: NO,SE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BEAVC fodder beet grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops beet crops
ALLSA garlic ACEITU Aceria tulipae wheat curl mite 1 4 Northern: LV
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CVOSA saffron crocus HLCBBR Helicobasidium brebissonii root rot of asparagus 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fresh herbs
CUUPG courgette SOLTU Solanum tuberosum potato 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops arable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1PSDMG Pseudomonas bacterial leaf spot 1 4 Central: UK
fg bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1PUCCG Puccinia rust 1 4 Central: UK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
BRSOK broccoli XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 4 4 Central: CH,DE,SI
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
OLVEU olive PALPUN Palpita vitrealis moth 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber SPHRFU Podosphaera fuliginea powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: DE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PUCCPO Puccinia porri rust 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
VACMY bilberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 4 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 38 fruit crops small fruit crops
VITVI grapevine XIPHIN Xiphinema index dagger nematode 1 4 Southern: CY
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
MENPI peppermint MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MENPI peppermint PUCCME Puccinia menthae rust 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: AT,HU,SI
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGV wild celery CERCAP Cercospora apii cercospora 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
MNGIN mango 1ORTSG Orthops bug 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLPO leek AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 4 Central: BE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3TARGK Targets targets 1 4 Central: UK
fg plant growth regulator Ornamentals
BRSOL white cabbage PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 1 4 Southern: CY
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MUBPA banana COSMSO Cosmopolites sordidus weevils 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana HELYMU Helicotylenchus multicinctus spiral nematode 1 4 Southern: CY
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana HERCBI Hercinothrips bicinctus thrips 1 4 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana OPOGSC Opogona sacchari banana moth 1 4 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: PT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOL white cabbage SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 4 Central: BE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLME aubergine 1MIRIF Miridae bugs 1 4 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette DIDYBR Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum gummy stem blight 1 4 Northern: LV
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek ACROAS Acrolepiopsis assectella leek moth 4 4 Northern: EE,FI,NO
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
NARSS narcissus sp. APLOST Aphelenchoides subtenuis narcissus bulb and leaf nematode 1 4 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 4 4 Central: BE,UK
Southern: FR,IT
fg bactericide Ornamentals
ALLPO leek 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco EPIXPA Epitrix hirtipennis Tobacco flea beetle 4 4 Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco GLOBTT Globodera tabacum tabacum root-knot nematode 4 4 Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco PSDMTA Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci Wildfire of tobacco 4 4 Southern: EL,ES,IT,MK
fg fungicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 4 4 Northern: SE
Central: SI,UK
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
NNNBA nursery stock plants FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 4 Central: NL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 4 Northern: DK
f fungicide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 4 Central: NL
fg nematicide Ornamentals
SOLME aubergine LEVETA Leveillula taurica powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 4 Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
NNNBA nursery stock plants XYLEFA Xylella fastidiosa leaf scorch 1 4 Central: NL
f bactericide Ornamentals
CUUPG courgette BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
NNNVF fruit and vegetable plants MICRAR Microtus arvalis common vole 4 4 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: NL
f rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables
CUUPG courgette APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 4 4 Northern: EE,NO
Central: NL
Southern: FR
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CNKMA lily of the valley PLAMV0 Potexvirus marmorplantagonis Plantago asiatica mosaic virus 1 4 Central: NL
f viricide Ornamentals 1 ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
NNNVV vegetable plants MATSS Matricaria sp. Chamomille 1 4 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
SAXSS salix sp. THEAPM Thecabius populi-monilis bead-like cottonwood gall aphid 1 4 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNZL ornamental bulb plants TULMV0 Potyvirus tulipatessellati tulip mozaic virus 1 4 Central: NL
f viricide Ornamentals 1
NNNVV vegetable plants treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) 1FUNGK Fungi disease complex 1 4 Central: NL
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNZL ornamental bulb plants CYPES Cyperus esculentus tiger nut 1 4 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals vegetable crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine METFPR Metcalfa pruinosa mealy flata 1 4 Central: HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops no crop group defined
PIUSI norway fir MHTPO Marchantia polymorpha moss/liverwort 1 4 Northern: FI
fg herbicide Ornamentals 3 ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAMNI elderberry CERCDE Pseudocercospora depazeoides Cercospora leaf spot 1 4 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BRSPK peking cabbage EPIXPU Epitrix pubescens flea beetle 1 4 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 1 4 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SAMNI elderberry AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLFI welsh onion DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 4 Southern: CY
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
OCIBA basil 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BRSRR turnips 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
OCIBA basil LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 4 Southern: CY
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 4 Northern: FI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 1 4 Northern: SE
f insecticide Ornamentals
BRSRR turnips BRVCSP Brevicoryne sp. aphid 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 1 4 Central: IE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RIBNI black currant LECACO Parthenolecanium corni european fruit scale 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
OPUFI barbary fig DACLOP Dactylopius opuntiae Dactylopius opuntiae 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ORYSA rice CYPRO Cyperus rotundus coco grass 1 4 Southern: ES
f herbicide Rice arable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 1 4 Northern: SE
f fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CORBFA Rhodococcus fascians cauliflower disease of ornamentals 4 4 Central: BE,UK
Southern: FR,IT
fg bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CRIELI Lilioceris lilii beetles 4 4 Northern: DK,EE,NO
Central: SI
fg insecticide Ornamentals
VIGSI cowpea RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ALLFI welsh onion 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Central: CH
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VIGSI cowpea PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 1 4 Southern: EL
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CUUPE marrow DIDYBR Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum gummy stem blight 5 4 Northern: DK,EE,SE
Central: HU,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CEQSI carob MYELCE Apomyelois ceratoniae carob moth 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Ornamentals
RUBID raspberry PERORU Peronospora rubi downy mildew 1 4 Central: IE
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
LYPES tomato FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
EUCGL Eucalyptus globulus GONPSC Gonipterus scutellatus species complex eucalyptus weevil 1 4 Southern: PT
f insecticide Ornamentals
ATIDE kiwi PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 4 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) FUSASP Fusarium sp. fusarium 3 4 Central: BE,DE,NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
PAQCO passion fruit CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 4 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FAGES buckwheat AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
PRNAV sweet cherry METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 4 Central: UK
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RUBID raspberry MACSFR Sitobion fragariae blackberry aphid 1 4 Central: IE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum BLUMJA Blumeriella jaapii anthracnose 1 4 Central: SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RUBID raspberry LASORU Lasioptera rubi raspberry gall fly 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CICEN endive HYPELA Hyperomyzus lactucae aphids 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
MABSD apple DYSAPL Dysaphis plantaginea aphids 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: AT,UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops pome fruit crops
ALLCE onion 2WEED weed plants weeds 1 4 Central: CH
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry ERICA Erigeron canadensis horseweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry ELSIVE Elsinoë necator anthracnose 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CUUPE marrow AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CICIN chicory 1THYSO Thysanoptera thrips 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIN chicory CERCCC Cercospora cichorii leaf spot of chicory 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RUBID raspberry CHTSFR Chaetosiphon fragaefolii aphids 1 4 Central: IE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VIGSI cowpea LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
VLLLO lamb's lettuce RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PARCR garden parsley LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine ANARLI Anarsia lineatella peach twig borer 1 4 Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PIUSI norway fir CLETGL Clethrionomys glareolus bank vole 1 4 Northern: FI
f insecticide Ornamentals 2 ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RUBID raspberry 3PSSCT PGR sucker, stolon, runner control PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 4 Northern: NO
fg plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 4 Northern: NO
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CIDSI orange HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 4 Southern: ES
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDSI orange TYLESE Tylenchulus semipenetrans citrus root nematode 1 4 Southern: CY
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIEAR chickpeas 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CIEAR chickpeas 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CIEAR chickpeas 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PARCT turnip-rooted parsley SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PARCT turnip-rooted parsley SOLPS Solanum physalifolium hairy nightshade 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CIEAR chickpeas BRCHPI Bruchus pisorum beetles 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CIEAR chickpeas MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 4 Southern: EL
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CIEAR chickpeas UROMCA Uromyces ciceris-arietini rust 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PAVSA parsnip BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 4 Central: IE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 4 Northern: FI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
FAUSY european beech PHYAFA Phyllaphis fagi aphids 1 4 Northern: DK
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RUBFR blackberry SYNAVE Synanthedon vespiformis yellow-legged clearwing 1 4 Central: HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine STIGCA Wilsonomyces carpophilus shot-hole 1 4 Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 16 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PEBAM avocado CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion PLEOAL Stemphylium vesicarium Stemphylium 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 4 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RUBFR blackberry KUEHUR Kuehneola uredinis rust of blackberry 1 4 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PEBAM avocado SPHAPE Elsinoë perseae scab 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PHCTA phacelia CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PLUSCH Chrysodeixis chalcites caterpillars 1 4 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
PHLPR thymothy grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) POATR Poa trivialis rough meadowgrass 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops
PIAVE pistachio AGONPI Agonoscena pistaciae pistachio psylla 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops nut crops
PRNDO european plum HOPLMI Hoplocampa minuta plum fruit sawfly 3 4 Northern: EE
Central: DE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ARWLA horseradish AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FESPR meadow fescue grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) POATR Poa trivialis rough meadowgrass 1 4 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops
RUBFR blackberry CHTSFR Chaetosiphon fragaefolii aphids 1 4 Central: IE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ORYSA rice ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 4 Southern: PT
f herbicide Rice 12 arable crops no crop group defined
ROSDM rose petals TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: CY
f acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
ROSDM rose petals SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PHSVX french beans 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
ROSDM rose petals PHRAMU Phragmidium mucronatum rust 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
FIUCA figs 1SILBG Silba Silba 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ROSDM rose petals MACSRO Macrosiphum rosae green rose aphid 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
FIUCA figs 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 4 Southern: EL
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber SPHRFS Sphaerotheca fusca powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: IE,NL,SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PIALE mastic tree PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
PIAVE pistachio 1PENTF Pentatomidae stink bugs 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIAVE pistachio BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 4 Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIAVE pistachio FUSCSP Fusicoccum sp. shoot blight 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIAVE pistachio STATGU Palumbina guerinii Palumbina 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIAVE pistachio UROMTE Pileolaria terebinthi rust 1 4 Southern: EL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIAVE pistachio XANTTR Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens bacteria 1 4 Southern: ES
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
RIBUC gooseberry PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 4 4 Northern: SE
Central: BE,NL,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 4 Northern: SE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RIBUC gooseberry PHODHU Phorodon humuli aphids 1 4 Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PIBSA field peas BRCHRU Bruchus rufimanus weevils 1 4 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
CPSAN sweet pepper CPSAN Capsicum annuum sweet pepper 1 4 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PIBSA field peas LASPNI Cydia nigricana caterpillars 1 4 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PUNGR pomegranate APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 4 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
PIBSA field peas SITNLI Sitona lineatus weevils 1 4 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PRNAR apricot LASPMO Grapholita molesta oriental peach leafroller 2 4 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LYPES tomato HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 4 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PIBSX peas FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
ARWLA horseradish PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 1 4 Central: HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PUNGR pomegranate APHIPU Aphis punicae aphid 1 4 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
FIUCA figs HOMTFI Homotoma ficus fig psylla 1 4 Southern: EL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 4 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RIBUC gooseberry BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 5 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE,HU,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VIGSI cowpea FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 4 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CUMSA cucumber MELGHA Meloidogyne hapla nematodes 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
FIUCA figs KUEHFI Cerotelium fici rust 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FIUCA figs TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Southern: CY
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
3HERC herb crops CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 4 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
RIBSS currants ERICA Erigeron canadensis horseweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
FOEVU common fennel CERCPE Fusoidiella anethi leaf spot 2 4 Central: AT,HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CUMSA cucumber HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 4 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
VIGSI cowpea FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 4 4 Central: BE,UK
Southern: FR,IT
fg bactericide Ornamentals
RIBRU red and white currants PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 1 4 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLCE onion 3ANDIT annual dicotyledonous weeds annual broadleaf weed 1 4 Southern: CY
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PIEAB norway spruce MICRAG Microtus agrestis short-tailed vole 1 4 Northern: FI
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RIBRU red and white currants MYZLGA Cryptomyzus galeopsidis blackcurrant aphid 1 4 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3BULBO 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 4 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Ornamentals
CPSAN sweet pepper PHYTNP Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica Phytophtora 1 4 Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PIEAB norway spruce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) LASPST Cydia strobilella spruce seed moth 1 4 Northern: FI
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) PUCIAR Pucciniastrum areolatum rust 1 4 Northern: FI
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PLEUOS oyster mushroom SCIAAU Lycoriella auripila sciarid flies 4 4 Central: BE,HU,NL,SI
g,i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
CUMSA cucumber TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Central: PL
u insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry 1THRIG Thrips thrips 2 4 Northern: FI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
3PLUC plum crops TRANDI Tranzschelia discolor rust 1 4 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HUMLU hop TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Central: PL
f insecticide Hops 6 arable crops no crop group defined
BEAVA sugar beet PEGOHY Pegomya hyoscyami flies 4 4 Northern: EE,FI,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 10 arable crops beet crops
PRNAR apricot PHYPPR 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum' European sone fruit yellows 1 4 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot PPV000 Potyvirus plumpoxi sharka 1 4 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot PSECCO Pseudococcus comstocki mealybugs 1 4 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 1 4 Central: HU
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
3SMFC small fruit crops POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 4 Central: BE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PRNAV sweet cherry CAPURE Adoxophyes orana summer fruit tortrix 1 4 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
FOEVU common fennel PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RIBNI black currant PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 1 4 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VIGSI cowpea EMPOFA Empoasca fabae leafhopper 1 4 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
FOEVU common fennel THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 4 4 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry 1LYGUG Lygus capsid 1 4 Central: UK
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
3VBRC Vegetable brassica crops 3ANDIT annual dicotyledonous weeds annual broadleaf weed 1 4 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
ALLAS shallots AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 1 4 Central: HU
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PRNCF cherry plum 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 4 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum ARGYEP Argyresthia pruniella cherry blossom tineid 4 4 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 4 Northern: DK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RIBNI black currant EUHYRI Euhyponomeutoides ribesiella 1 4 Northern: FI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PIBSX peas BRCHPI Bruchus pisorum beetles 4 4 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VLLLO lamb's lettuce PHOMVA Stagonosporopsis valerianellae Phoma 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PRNDO european plum PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 3 3 Northern: NO
Central: CH,SK
f,fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
DAUCS carrot BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 3 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,FI
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FAGES buckwheat SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
ASPOF asparagus THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 3 3 Northern: FI,SE
Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 3 3 Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
GIKBI ginkgo EQUAR Equisetum arvense field horsetail 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
3LEAC leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 4 3 Northern: EE
Central: BE,DE,NL
f,fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables weeds monocotyledonous weeds
CUMME melon TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
BEAVA sugar beet SYSNBL Systena taeniata blanda flea beetles 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
ASPOF asparagus PUCCAS Puccinia asparagi rust 4 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: HU,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 3 3 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants PRISAB Pristiphora abietina saw flies 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants YWHPP inhibition of plant growth growth reduction 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: AT,BE
f plant growth regulator Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
BEAVD beetroot PEROFA Peronospora farinosa downy mildew 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 2 3 Central: DE,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
HUMLU hop TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 3 3 Central: BE,CZ,SI
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
BEAVF swiss chard RAMUBE Ramularia beticola Ramularia 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet PEROFB Peronospora farinosa f. sp. betae downy mildew 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
IPOBA sweet potato FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: HU
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSCH pak-choi LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 2 3 Central: DE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LACSA lettuce SEPTLA Septoria lactucae Septoria 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SOLME aubergine TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f,fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSJU brown mustard HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
VITVI grapevine UNCINE Erysiphe necator powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: BE
f,fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOB cauliflower ALBUCA Albugo candida white rust 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LYPES tomato OIDIAN Oidium anacardii powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato SCLORO Athelia rolfsii Sclerotinia 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 3 3 Northern: DK,EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple ALTEAC Alternaria alternata f. sp. citri 1 3 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PSDMGA Burkholderia gladioli pv. alliicola bacteria 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
fg bactericide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
PRNCE sour cherry RHAGCI Rhagoletis cingulata North American fruit fly 2 3 Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 3 3 Central: CH,DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple RNCHBA Rhynchites bacchus 1 3 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 3 3 Central: CH,DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOK broccoli AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1COCCF Coccidae scale insect 3 3 Northern: NO
Central: NL
Southern: FR
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
BRSOK broccoli BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 3 3 Northern: EE,LT
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage ALBUCA Albugo candida white rust 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MENPI peppermint TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f acaricide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BRSOL white cabbage MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNAR apricot PSYLPR Cacopsylla pruni plum psylla 2 3 Central: DE,HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) APLOFR Aphelenchoides fragariae nematodes 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
fg nematicide Ornamentals
NNNVF fruit and vegetable plants ARVCTE Arvicola terrestris Eurasian Water Vole 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: NL
f rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOW kale PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PANMI common millet FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
PAPSO poppy 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BUXSE box CYLDBU Calonectria pseudonaviculata canker 3 3 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) DUPOFO Duponchelia fovealis caterpillars 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: BE,NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
SOLME aubergine FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: UK
Southern: IT
f,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 3 3 Northern: NO
Central: BE,NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
CICIN chicory BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 3 3 Northern: EE,LT
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MELOME Melolontha melolontha worms 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Ornamentals
PARCR garden parsley SEPTAP Septoria apiicola Septoria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) OTIOSP Otiorhynchus sp. weevil 2 3 Central: DE
Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
PAVSA parsnip MELGHA Meloidogyne hapla nematodes 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean COLLLD Colletotrichum lindemuthianum anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans BCMV00 Potyvirus phaseovulgaris viruses 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSA field peas APHAEU Aphanomyces euteiches root rot 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSX peas COLLLD Colletotrichum lindemuthianum anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas CONTPI Contarinia pisi midge 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas FUSASI Fusarium vanettenii fusarium 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 3 3 Northern: NO
Central: BE,NL
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
PIBSX peas MYCOPI Didymella pinodes blight 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PHOMMP Didymella pinodella foot rot 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PNYDV0 Nanovirus necropisi pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus 1 3 Central: AT
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PSDMPI Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi bacteria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas SITNLI Sitona lineatus weevils 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas UROMAP Uromyces appendiculatus rust 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3STFC stone fruit crops PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f,fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PRNCE sour cherry HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 3 3 Central: AT,DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PRNCF cherry plum DACUTR Bactrocera tryoni fruit flies 1 3 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum LYONCL Lyonetia clerkella leaf miners 3 3 Northern: EE,NO,SE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum RHAGIN Rhagoletis indifferens fruit flies 1 3 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum STERPU Chondrostereum purpureum silver leaf 3 3 Northern: EE,NO,SE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli TMV000 Tobamovirus tabaci viruses 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI
f,g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CRYCA common caraway CIRAR Cirsium arvense creeping thistle 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PRNDO european plum MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum STERPU Chondrostereum purpureum silver leaf 3 3 Northern: EE,NO,SE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CUMME melon AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine PSYLPR Cacopsylla pruni plum psylla 2 3 Central: DE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PYUCO pear DIPCMA Diplocarpon mespili 1 3 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
CUMME melon FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RAPSL radish, chinese PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 2 3 Northern: EE
Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSL radish, chinese PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 3 3 Northern: EE,FI,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish STRESC Streptomyces scabiei scab 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BEAVA sugar beet CERCBE Cercospora beticola Cercospora 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 9 arable crops beet crops
CUMME melon TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RIBNI black currant BRAV00 Nepovirus ribis reversion of black currant 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: BE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 2 3 Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants DREPRI Drepanopeziza ribis anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLCE onion AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
RIBRU red and white currants QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 2 3 Central: DE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ELSIVE Elsinoë necator anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry PHRARU Phragmidium rubi-idaei rust 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: BE,SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CUUPE marrow 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow ALTECU Alternaria cucumerina Alternaria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: BE,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry PEGORU Pegomya rubivora raspberry cane maggot 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ALLCE onion UROCCE Urocystis magica onion smut 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion ALTEPO Alternaria porri Alternaria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
SALOF sage, common ERYSBI Golovinomyces biocellatus powdery mildew 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: CY
f,fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CUUPG courgette ALTECU Alternaria cucumerina Alternaria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
SINAL white mustard ATALCO Athalia rosae saw flies 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard CEUTAS Ceutorhynchus obstrictus weevils 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard DASYBR Dasineura brassicae cabbage gall midge 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SINAL white mustard SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SLYMA holy thistle CONAR Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SLYMA holy thistle GALAP Galium aparine cleavers 1 3 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SOLME aubergine AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 3 3 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PERODE Peronospora destructor downy mildew 3 3 Northern: EE,LT
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PHYTPO Phytophthora porri Phytophthora 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: FR
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine FUSAME Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis fusarium 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LPTNDE Leptinotarsa decemlineata colorado potato beetle 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic CLADAC Cladosporium allii-cepae Cladosporium 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic FUSAPF Fusarium proliferatum fusarium 1 3 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
SPQOL spinach COLLDS Colletotrichum spinaciae anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach HYLEFU Pegohylemyia fugax Pegohylemyia 3 3 Central: DE,SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
FRAAN strawberry TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot CTRLV0 Polerovirus CTRLV viruses 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot CYLV00 Closterovirus flavicarotae viruses 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VACCO blueberry DASYVA Dasineura oxycoccana gall midge 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: CH,SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry GODRCA Godronia cassandrae Godronia canker 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: CH
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 3 3 Northern: SE
Central: BE,SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
DAUCS carrot FUSACO Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans fusarium 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot LIBEPS 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' bacteria 3 3 Northern: EE,SE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans ANTAR Anthemis arvensis field chamomile 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: CH,SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans BOTRFA Botrytis fabae Botrytis 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans SITNLI Sitona lineatus weevils 3 3 Northern: EE,NO
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans UROMVF Uromyces viciae-fabae rust 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot RADOSI Radopholus similis nematodes 3 3 Northern: EE
Central: SI
Southern: PT
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VLLLO lamb's lettuce 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 3 Central: AT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot PHOPDA Phomopsis dauci Phomopsis 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PLEUOS oyster mushroom PSDMSP Pseudomonas sp. blights 2 2 Southern: ES,FR
i bactericide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
CUMSA cucumber FUSACC Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum fusarium 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PIEAB norway spruce PUCIAR Pucciniastrum areolatum rust 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce MEGSST Megastigmus strobilobius seed chaldid 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
VITVI grapevine SCAPLI Scaphoideus titanus Scaphoideus 2 2 Central: HU
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 11 fruit crops no crop group defined
PIEAB norway spruce LASPST Cydia strobilella spruce seed moth 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce HYLEAH Strobilomyia anthracina spruce cone maggot 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce DIORAB Dioryctria abietella cone pyralid 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
DAUCS carrot TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PIBSX peas TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
GLXMA soya beans LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSX peas TETRCI Tetranychus cinnabarinus red spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper OIDIAN Oidium anacardii powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
ALLCE onion ASPENI Aspergillus niger black mould 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PEROVP Peronospora viciae f. sp. pisi downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: DE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas NEZAHI Chinavia hilaris bugs 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 2 2 Central: NL,SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 2 2 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RUBFR blackberry METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
PIBSX peas MEAGPH Ophiomyia phaseoli bean fly 2 2 Central: CH,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSA field peas PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 2 2 Northern: EE
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TARSPA Phytonemus pallidus strawberry mite 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
g acaricide Ornamentals
CPSAN sweet pepper COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
VITVI grapevine POPIJA Popillia japonica 2 2 Central: CH
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
DOSKA kaki CERPRU Ceroplastes rusci scales 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
PHSVX french beans PYRUNU Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) QUADSP Quadraspidiotus sp. 1 2 Central: DE
fg insecticide Ornamentals
CUMSA cucumber SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 2 2 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans EMPOFA Empoasca fabae leafhopper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CORSA coriander, common SYSLAL Systole albipennis coriander seed wasp 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ZEAMX maize AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
PRNAR apricot PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) MEAGPH Ophiomyia phaseoli bean fly 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean UROMAP Uromyces appendiculatus rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PRNAR apricot STIGCA Wilsonomyces carpophilus shot-hole 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 12 fruit crops stone fruit crops
ROSSS Rosa sp. PSPESR Peronospora sparsa downy mildew 2 2 Southern: EL,FR
f,g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSECSP Pseudococcus sp. 1 2 Central: DE
fg insecticide Ornamentals
RUBFC red blackberry (created!) PHRAVI Phragmidium violaceum rust 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CYLAV hazelnuts TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops nut crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSECGA Pseudococcus calceolariae mealybugs 2 2 Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Ornamentals
PHSVN dwarf french bean FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 2 2 Central: BE,UK
fg bactericide Ornamentals
BRSNN oilseed rape MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops brassica arable crops
VICFX broad beans BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
PEBAM avocado PSEYPE Pseudacysta perseae lace bug 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear MONIFG Monilinia fructigena brown rot 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops pome fruit crops
CITLA watermelon VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 2 Central: DE
fg fungicide Ornamentals
CUMSA cucumber BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PHPHHO Phyllopertha horticola garden cockchafer 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: NL
f,g insecticide Ornamentals
RIBUC gooseberry PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
MABSD apple COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
ZEAMX maize AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
RUBFR blackberry SPHNRU Sphaerulina rubi septoria leaf spot 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry SPHRMA Podosphaera macularis powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE,NO
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CITLA watermelon COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip CYLV00 Closterovirus flavicarotae viruses 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 2 2 Northern: FI
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
PAVSA parsnip CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) OIDISP Oidium sp. powdery mildew 2 2 Central: BE,NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
FRAAN strawberry MYCOFR Ramularia grevilleana leaf blight 2 2 Northern: EE,NO
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
ATIDE kiwi BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Southern: IT,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry AMPHRU Amphorophora rubi European raspberry aphid 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PARCR garden parsley BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
VICFX broad beans ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 2 2 Central: NL
Southern: FR
f,fg nematicide Ornamentals
BRSNN oilseed rape BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops brassica arable crops
RUBID raspberry CLADCL Cladosporium cladosporioides Cladosporium 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VITVI grapevine PLASVI Plasmopara viticola downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum VENTCA Venturia carpophila scab of stone fruit 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
SAMNI elderberry TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum BLUMJA Blumeriella jaapii anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIRIBO Liriomyza bryoniae leaf miners 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
CICEN endive ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CYLAV hazelnuts HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 2 2 Southern: FR,IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops nut crops
GLXMA soya beans TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Central: HU
Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 4 arable crops legume crops
RUBID raspberry NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 2 2 Central: HU,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CIAPA papaya GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion STEME Stellaria media chickweed 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
VICFX broad beans ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLSA garlic PUCCAL Puccinia allii rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PAPSO poppy TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy TIPUOL Tipula oleracea crane flies 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 2 2 Central: AT
Southern: PT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PAPSO poppy KAKORO Kakothrips pisivorus thrips 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RUBID raspberry SPHNRU Sphaerulina rubi septoria leaf spot 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PAPSO poppy AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PYUCO pear DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
OLVEU olive GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSRR turnips ITERPA Itersonilia pastinacae canker 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNCE sour cherry PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry MUSXMU Mus musculus rodents 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
fg rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSRO turnip rape MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
VICFX broad beans LYCAR Anchusa arvensis small buck loss 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PRNAV sweet cherry PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
VICFX broad beans MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLFI welsh onion LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion LIRICS Liriomyza chinensis leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
APUGD celery ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSPK peking cabbage BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FRAAN strawberry HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Central: BE,UK
f,fg fungicide Ornamentals
PUNGR pomegranate PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 2 2 Southern: CY,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOW kale PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NNNBS forest nursery seedlings conifers HYLOAB Hylobius abietis fir weevil 2 2 Northern: NO
f,i insecticide Ornamentals
SOLTU potato AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 2 2 Southern: FR,IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 21 arable crops no crop group defined
BRSOW kale LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
VICFX broad beans PAPRH Papaver rhoeas common poppy 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BRSOW kale LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SCVHI black salsify ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 2 Central: DE
fg insecticide Ornamentals
CUUPG courgette COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNDO european plum PSYLPR Cacopsylla pruni plum psylla 2 2 Central: HU
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
NIOTA tobacco CVCSS Cuscuta sp. dodder 2 2 Central: HU
Southern: FR
f herbicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NAAOF watercress RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
VICFX broad beans PEROVI Peronospora viciae downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry HARPRU Harpalus rufipes strawberry seed beetle 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: CH
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VICFX broad beans POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VLLLO lamb's lettuce ACVRVA Acidovorax valerianellae bacteria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
APUGD celery NAPOCA Napomyza carotae carrot miner 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
SINAL white mustard LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
DAUCS carrot THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 2 2 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
FRAAN strawberry GALETE Pyrrhalta tenella strawberry leafbeetle 2 2 Northern: EE,FI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOL white cabbage TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ASPOF asparagus LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry COLLFR Colletotrichum fragariae anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
NAAOF watercress LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NAAOF watercress BRYOPR Bryobia praetiosa mites 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLPO leek ALTEPO Alternaria porri Alternaria 3 2 Northern: EE
Central: BE,SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
NAAOF watercress APHINA Aphis nasturtii aphids 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLME aubergine ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 2 2 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
FOEVU common fennel SYSLAL Systole albipennis coriander seed wasp 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BRSOL white cabbage PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MNGIN mango OIDIMA Oidium mangiferae powdery mildew 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSOL white cabbage LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 2 2 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FOEVU common fennel CRTEFU Carterus fulvipes beetles 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLPO leek PHYBCE Liriomyza cepae leaf miners 2 2 Central: BE,SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
FIUCA figs KUEHFI Cerotelium fici rust 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FAGES buckwheat PEROFA Peronospora farinosa downy mildew 2 2 Central: SI,SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
MENPI peppermint ERYSBI Golovinomyces biocellatus powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SOLME aubergine GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 2 Central: NL
Southern: FR
f,fg herbicide Ornamentals
BRSOL white cabbage LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLME aubergine LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PSDMPR Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri bacteria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LIOCTR Liocoris tripustulatus bugs 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LIRIBO Liriomyza bryoniae leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
FAGES buckwheat ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLME aubergine LYGUEL Lygus elisus bugs 2 2 Central: NL,SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LYGUHE Lygus hesperus bugs 2 2 Central: NL,SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOL white cabbage ERYSCR Erysiphe cruciferarum powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage CEUTAS Ceutorhynchus obstrictus weevils 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLME aubergine MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 2 2 Central: NL,SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PYRETE Setophoma terrestris pink root rot 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg,i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 2 2 Central: NL,UK
fg,g fungicide Ornamentals
PYUCO pear PSYLPC Cacopsylla pyricola pear sucker 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops pome fruit crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1LEPIO Lepidoptera caterpillars 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1HETER Heteroptera 1 2 Central: DE
fg insecticide Ornamentals
BRSOK broccoli HELIPU Helicoverpa punctigera native budworm 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 2 2 Northern: NO
Southern: FR
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1DIASF Diaspididae scales 2 2 Northern: NO
Southern: FR
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals
BRSOK broccoli CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 2 2 Northern: EE,NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
SOLME aubergine RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOK broccoli BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1CICAF Cicadidae 1 2 Central: DE
fg insecticide Ornamentals
LACSA lettuce 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 2 2 Northern: NO
Southern: IT
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SOLME aubergine VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RIBUC gooseberry SYNATI Synanthedon tipuliformis currant borer 3 2 Northern: SE
Central: NL,SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 2 2 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) SMINNI Sminthurus niger sminthurus niger 2 2 Central: BE,SI
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
BRSOF Brussels sprouts BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLTU potato MELGIN Meloidogyne incognita nematodes 2 2 Southern: PT
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons CASSDE Cassida deflorata tortoise beetle 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple LYONCL Lyonetia clerkella leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ERPHPI Eriophyes pyri pear leaf blister mite 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
CYDOB quince CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 2 2 Central: CH
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
DAUCS carrot PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic COLLTF Colletotrichum trifolii anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 2 2 Central: CH
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry RHAGCI Rhagoletis cingulata North American fruit fly 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple CACOPO Archips podana fruit tree tortrix 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
SORVU sorghum PYRUNU Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer 2 2 Central: SI,SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) SCOLSP Scolytus sp. 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Unclassified
ALLSA garlic LIRICS Liriomyza chinensis leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 2 2 Central: DE,UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CYUCA cardoons APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
SPQOL spinach ALTEDA Alternaria dauci Alternaria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CYUCA cardoons BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
f,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LYPES tomato LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: NL
fg,g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Unclassified
ALLSA garlic PERODE Peronospora destructor downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOA kale HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 2 2 Northern: SE
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot TUMV00 Potyvirus rapae virus 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BRSOA kale BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLCE onion 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 2 Southern: FR,IT
f,fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
LUPAN blue lupin GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
BRSOA kale ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BEAVA sugar beet RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: SE
Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops beet crops
CYUSC globe artichoke 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 2 2 Southern: FR,IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CSNSA chestnut LASPSL Cydia splendana 2 2 Central: CH
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts ERPHAV Phytoptus avellanae mites 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops nut crops
LIUUT flax VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: BE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
BRSNA swedish turnip PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LIUUT flax LONIPA Longitarsus parvulus flax flea beetle 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
BRSNA swedish turnip ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LIUUT flax AUREPL Discosphaerina fulvida browning of flax 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SPQOL spinach RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Northern: SE
Southern: IT
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach TYROSI Tyrophagus similis mites 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: PT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSJU brown mustard TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 2 2 Northern: DK
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LACSC head lettuce LYGULI Lygus lineolaris bugs 2 2 Northern: DK
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSC head lettuce HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSC head lettuce 1CERCG Cercospora cercospora 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BRSCH pak-choi TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 2 2 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 2 2 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNCE sour cherry QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSCH pak-choi LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 2 Central: DE
f herbicide Unclassified weeds monocotyledonous weeds
LACSA lettuce FUSALC Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae fusarium 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PRNPS peach, nectarine EPIDBE Epidiaspis leperii scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum EPIDBE Epidiaspis leperii scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSCH pak-choi BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
f,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BOROF common borage UTETPU Utetheisa pulchella caterpilars 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
IUGRE walnut XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
DAUCS carrot ALBUCA Albugo candida white rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BOROF common borage SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BOROF common borage PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BOROF common borage MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
BOROF common borage LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
DAUCS carrot AMBEL Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BOROF common borage HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
IUGRE walnut AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
ZEAMS sweet corn SETOTU Exserohilum turcicum nothern leaf blight 2 2 Southern: FR,IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops no crop group defined
BOROF common borage ERYSAS Golovinomyces cynoglossi powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
DAUCS carrot CAMV00 Caulimovirus tessellobrassicae Cauliflower mosaic virus 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BOROF common borage ENTYSE Entyloma serotinum leaf smut 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
HELAN sunflower PLASHA Plasmopara halstedii downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot CROCBI Crocidolomia binotalis cabbage moth 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ERUVE salad rockets SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CPSAN sweet pepper THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 2 2 Northern: EE,NO
fg,g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) ERISLA Eriosoma lanigerum aphids 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Unclassified
IPOBA sweet potato MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: SE
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
3HERC herb crops POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 2 2 Central: DE
Southern: PT
f,fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet UROMBE Uromyces betae rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
IPOBA sweet potato AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 2 2 Northern: SE
Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 2 Central: DE
f herbicide Unclassified herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
3CRGK Crop groups grown for vegetative propagation (3VEGED) 1CECIF Cecidomyiidae 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Unclassified
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet CERCBE Cercospora beticola Cercospora 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
DAUCS carrot FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ERUVE salad rockets BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
APUGR celeriac ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
HYPPE common st. john's wort GAETE Galeopsis tetrahit hemp nettle 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RIBRU red and white currants ERPHRI Cecidophyopsis ribis black currant gall mite 1 2 Central: DE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
HUMLU hop GRACFI Gracillaria fidella hop slender 2 2 Central: CZ
Southern: FR
f insecticide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants cut-flower plants (NNNZS) 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 2 Central: DE
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
VACCO blueberry PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: BE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
DAUCS carrot GRAGLE Naupactus leucoloma whitefringed weevil 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants cut-flower plants (NNNZS) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 2 Central: DE
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants SAIPR Sagina procumbens birds-eye pearlwort 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
VACMA cranberry DIAPVA Diaporthe vaccinii dieback 2 2 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
DAUCS carrot LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
VACMA cranberry GODRCA Godronia cassandrae Godronia canker 2 2 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
DAUCS carrot STRESC Streptomyces scabiei scab 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
BEAVD beetroot SONOL Sonchus oleraceus annual sowthistle 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: NL
fg,g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
BEAVD beetroot BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f plant growth regulator Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PRNCF cherry plum BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
ALLCE onion PUCCAL Puccinia allii rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MYCOBR Neopseudocercosporella brassicae ring spot 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PODOXA Podosphaera xanthii powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish CEUTAS Ceutorhynchus obstrictus weevils 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CUMME melon PSDMPT Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata bacteria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
HELAN sunflower PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 2 2 Northern: EE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CUMME melon MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ABOPR chokeberry PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
CIAPA papaya OIDICP Oidium caricae-papayae powdery mildew 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
CUMME melon FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish PSYINA Psylliodes napi flea beetles 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops stone fruit crops
HELAN sunflower PUCCHE Puccinia helianthi rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear MYCOPY Septoria pyricola shy leaf spot 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
CUMME melon PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon FUSACC Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum fusarium 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RAPSR small radish RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 2 2 Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CUMME melon SPHRFU Podosphaera fuliginea powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CUUPE marrow BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 2 2 Northern: DK
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom 1MYCPF Mycetophilidae fungus gnats 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: NL
i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
PSIGU guava CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 2 2 Southern: FR,PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
APUGD celery POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 2 2 Northern: NO
Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
DAUCS carrot PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CUMME melon CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f,g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
OLVEU olive DACUOL Bactrocera oleae olive fruit fly 2 2 Central: CH
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops no crop group defined
BRSPK peking cabbage HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: CH
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
AGARBI button mushroom PHORSP Phormia sp. gnats 2 2 Central: NL
Southern: FR
i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
CUMME melon AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
AGARBI button mushroom PSDMTL Pseudomonas tolaasii bacterial spot of mushrooms 2 2 Central: NL
Southern: FR
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
AGARBI button mushroom SCIAAU Lycoriella auripila sciarid flies 2 2 Central: BE
Southern: ES
i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
CUMME melon AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine TAPHDE Taphrina deformans peach leaf curl 2 2 Central: SK
Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CUMME melon AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
VITVI grapevine BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f,fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops no crop group defined
PRNPS peach, nectarine CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple ALTEMA Alternaria mali Alternaria 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
RIBNI black currant BOTSRI Neofusicoccum ribis dieback of currant 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
BEAVA sugar beet AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
PRNDO european plum XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 2 2 Central: SI,SK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CSNSA chestnut CURCEL Curculio elephas chestnut weevil 2 2 Central: SI
Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PRNDO european plum TAPHPR Taphrina pruni bladder plums 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum BRDSCA Brachycaudus cardui aphids 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum VENTCE Venturia cerasi scab of cherry 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum ERICLI Caliroa cerasi slug 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
RIBNI black currant EUTYLA Eutypa lata Eutypa 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 2 2 Northern: NO,SE
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli LEVETA Leveillula taurica powdery mildew 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f,g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3STFC stone fruit crops XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
CPSFR chilli CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 2 2 Central: HU,SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
MABSD apple LEUCSC Leucoptera malifoliella 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
3STFC stone fruit crops FORFAU Forficula auricularia european earwig 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
GLXMA soya beans PHAKPA Phakopsora pachyrhizi rust 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
ALLAS shallots LIRICS Liriomyza chinensis leaf miners 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 2 2 Northern: EE
Central: SI
f,fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
3STFC stone fruit crops COSSCO Cossus cossus cossus 2 2 Northern: SE
Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
ALLAS shallots POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 2 2 Northern: EE,NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PRNAV sweet cherry EPIDBE Epidiaspis leperii scales 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot CARPPO Cydia pomonella codling moth 2 2 Northern: EE,SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 1 2 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple RHOPIN Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae apple-grass aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple RUMLO Rumex longifolius northern dock 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple SCHIPO Schizothyrium pomi fly speck of apple 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple STERPU Chondrostereum purpureum silver leaf 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple VALSLE Cytospora leucostoma canker 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MANES cassava ACRXOC Acromyrmex octospinosus ants 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava ALTRSO Aleurotrachelus socialis whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava AONMAL Aonidomytilus albus scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava COCHLU Curvularia lunata curvularia 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava CYLAFO Cylas formicarius weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava ERINAL Erinnyis alope caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava ERINEL Erinnyis ello caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava EUSPPO Euscepes postfasciatus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava HETGCL Heteroligus meles weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava LIGYEB Ligyrus ebenus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava NILOHA Mercetaspis halli scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava PHENGO Phenacoccus gossypii mealybugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava PRATCO Pratylenchus coffeae nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava SCLORO Athelia rolfsii Sclerotinia 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava SCUNBR Scutellonema bradys nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MANES cassava TRIAVB Trialeurodes variabilis whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot ACRXOC Acromyrmex octospinosus ants 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot AONMAL Aonidomytilus albus scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot COCHLU Curvularia lunata curvularia 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot CYLAFO Cylas formicarius weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot ERINAL Erinnyis alope caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot ERINEL Erinnyis ello caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot EUSPPO Euscepes postfasciatus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot HETGCL Heteroligus meles weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot LIGYEB Ligyrus ebenus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot NILOHA Mercetaspis halli scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot PHENGO Phenacoccus gossypii mealybugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot PRATCO Pratylenchus coffeae nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot RADOSI Radopholus similis nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot SCLORO Athelia rolfsii Sclerotinia 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MARAR arrowroot SCUNBR Scutellonema bradys nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
MATCH wild chamomile 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MATCH wild chamomile CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MATCH wild chamomile CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MATCH wild chamomile CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MEDSA alfalfa 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: EE
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa ADPHLI Adelphocoris lineolatus alfalfa bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa BRPHGI Bruchophagus gibbus chalcid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa ERYSPI Erysiphe pisi powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa ERYSTR Erysiphe trifoliorum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa FUSAMD Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis fusarium wilt of alfalfa 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa HYPRPO Hypera postica weevils 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa LPTRME Leptotrochila medicaginis yellow leaf blotch 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa MIRIDO Leptopterna dolabrata meadow plant bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa PHOMME Ascochyta medicaginicola var. medicaginicola black stem 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa PSPZME Pseudopeziza medicaginis leaf spot of lucerne 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa PSPZTI Pseudopeziza trifolii brown spot of lucerne 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa PYTHDE Pythium debaryanum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa UROMST Uromyces striatus rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) APIOSP Apion sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MEDSA alfalfa grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) TYCHSP Tychius sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
MENPI peppermint ERYSBI Golovinomyces biocellatus powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MENPI peppermint MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MENPI peppermint PUCCME Puccinia menthae rust 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
MNGIN mango 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango AULSTU Aulacaspis tubercularis mango scale 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango BRVPPH Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato passion vine mite 1 1 Southern: PT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango CERTCO Ceratitis cosyra corn leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango COCCMA Protopulvinaria mangiferae scales 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango PHOPMN Phomopsis mangiferae stem end rot 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango SLENRU Selenothrips rubrocinctus thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MNGIN mango XANTSP Xanthomonas sp. xanthomonas 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MORAL white mulberry PSEAPE Pseudaulacaspis pentagona scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
MUBPA banana FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana MELGIN Meloidogyne incognita nematodes 1 1 Southern: PT
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUBPA banana THRIHA Thrips hawaiiensis thrips 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
MUSAR armenian grape hyacinth ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
f bactericide Ornamentals
NAAOF watercress 1CHIRF Chironomidae chironomidae 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NAAOF watercress 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NAAOF watercress MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Southern: ES
f herbicide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco DOLYBA Dolycoris baccarum sloe bug 1 1 Central: PL
f insecticide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NIOTA tobacco TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Central: HU
f acaricide Tobacco arable crops no crop group defined
NNNBA nursery stock plants 1NEMAP Nematoda nematodes 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants CAPNTE Capnodis tenebrionis peach capnodis 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Central: NL
fg nematicide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants LIRISP Liriomyza sp. leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants OIDISP Oidium sp. powdery mildew 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants PSYLPC Cacopsylla pyricola pear sucker 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants SCHZUL Eriosoma ulmi elm aphid 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNBA nursery stock plants VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Ornamentals
NNNLK clover plants grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) SITNLI Sitona lineatus weevils 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
NNNVV vegetable plants 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Central: NL
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants GALSP Galium spurium false cleaver 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants POLSS Polygonum sp. Knotweed 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
NNNVV vegetable plants VIOAR Viola arvensis field pansy 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
NNNZL ornamental bulb plants FUSANA Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. narcissi fusarium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Ornamentals
NNNZL ornamental bulb plants PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals
NNNZL ornamental bulb plants PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Ornamentals
NNNZW turf 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNZW turf AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNZW turf BLISLE Blissus leucopterus 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Ornamentals
NNNZW turf POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds monocotyledonous weeds
NNNZW turf PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals
no code turf grasses SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Northern: SE
f herbicide Ornamentals
OCIBA basil 1TAETG Taeniothrips Taeniothrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil EMPOFA Empoasca fabae leafhopper 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil MACTFS Macrosteles quadrilineatus leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
OCIBA basil 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil EMPOFA Empoasca fabae leafhopper 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OLVEU olive BOTSDO Botryosphaeria dothidea blight - panicle & shoot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
OLVEU olive OTIOCR Otiorhynchus cribricollis apple weevil (curculio beetle) 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ORIVU wild majoram MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: CY
f acaricide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ORIVU wild majoram MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f acaricide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PANMI common millet LAPHEX Spodoptera exempta African armyworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
PANMI common millet PYRIOR Pyricularia oryzae blast 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
PAPSO poppy 1GERG Geranium geranium 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy 1THRIF Thripidae thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy DIABVI Diabrotica virgifera virgifera western corn rootworm 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy EPIXPU Epitrix pubescens flea beetle 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy PSYAAR Ginsiana arbuticola flea beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy SCLPST Peronosclerospora spontanea downy mildew 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy 1GERG Geranium geranium 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
PAPSO poppy ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy EPIXPU Epitrix pubescens flea beetle 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy KAKORO Kakothrips pisivorus thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PAPSO poppy POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy PSYAAR Ginsiana arbuticola flea beetles 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAPSO poppy SCLPST Peronosclerospora spontanea downy mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAQCO passion fruit 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit ALTEPA Alternaria passiflorae blight 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit DACUCU Zeugodacus cucurbitae leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit LAPHEX Spodoptera exempta African armyworm 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit LEPSGL Lepidosaphes gloverii 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit PHYTNN Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit SELSAR Selenaspidus articulatus 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit SEPTPA Septoria passifloricola Septoria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQCO passion fruit SOLEGE Solenopsis geminata fireant 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit BRVPPH Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato passion vine mite 1 1 Southern: PT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit HELTHA Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis thrips 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit PSECAD Pseudococcus longispinus mealybugs 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit SAISNI Parasaissetia nigra scales 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PAQED passion fruit SEPTPA Septoria passifloricola Septoria 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley ALTERA Alternaria radicina Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley CERCAP Cercospora apii cercospora 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley OROSAR Orosius orientalis leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley PHYYCH Phytomyza chaerophylli Phytomyza 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PARCR garden parsley RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley ACIDHE Euleia heraclei celery fly 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley CERCAP Cercospora apii cercospora 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley ERYSHE Erysiphe heraclei powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley PLASPE Plasmopara petroselini downy mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PARCR garden parsley SEPTAP Septoria apiicola Septoria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PAVSA parsnip AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip ALTERA Alternaria radicina Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
PAVSA parsnip CTRLV0 Polerovirus CTRLV viruses 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAVSA parsnip MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: IE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip PAPIAJ Papilio ajax caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PAVSA parsnip URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PAVSS parsnip PHOMCM Calophoma complanata Phoma 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PEBAM avocado 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado ALTHFL Aleurothrixus floccosus whiteflies 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado COLLGL Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu lato Colletotrichum 1 1 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado HELTHA Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis thrips 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado PHYORH Lasiodiplodia theobromae storage diseases 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado PHYTKK Phytophthora cacuminis Phytophthora cacuminis 1 1 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PEBAM avocado SAISHE Saissetia coffeae scales 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PHLPR thymothy grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PHSAU mung bean FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSAU mung bean HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSAU mung bean PODOFU Podosphaera fusca powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSAU mung bean THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSAU mung bean XANTPH Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. phaseoli bacteria 1 1 Northern: EE
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSSS Phaseolus sp. APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 1 1 Central: HU
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean MEAGPH Ophiomyia phaseoli bean fly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean TAETSJ Megalurothrips sjostedti thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans 1ACARO Acarida mite 1 1 Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans ASCOSP Ascochyta sp. Asochyta 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans MEGTUS Megalurothrips usitatus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans UROMAP Uromyces appendiculatus rust 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans XANTPH Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. phaseoli bacteria 1 1 Northern: EE
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHXCA canary palm PAYSAR Paysandisia archon Paysandisia archon 1 1 Southern: EL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
PHXCA canary palm RHYCFE Rhynchophorus ferrugineus weevils 1 1 Southern: EL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
PIAVE pistachio SEPTPT Septoria pistaciarum 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
PIBSA field peas ACYRON Acyrthosiphon pisum aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PIBSA field peas ASCOPI Ascochyta pisi Asochyta 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas BRCHPI Bruchus pisorum beetles 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas ERYSPI Erysiphe pisi powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas FUSASI Fusarium vanettenii fusarium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas KAKORO Kakothrips pisivorus thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas KCHSC Bassia scoparia Kochia (Group 2 resistant) 1 1 Central: SI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas LASPDO Dichrorampha petiverella pea moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas PEROVP Peronospora viciae f. sp. pisi downy mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSA field peas SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
PIBSX peas APHAEU Aphanomyces euteiches root rot 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
PIBSX peas ERYSPI Erysiphe pisi powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas GAETE Galeopsis tetrahit hemp nettle 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas LAMDBO Lampides boeticus blue butterfly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas LASPDO Dichrorampha petiverella pea moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas MARUTE Maruca vitrata pod borer 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas MEGTUS Megalurothrips usitatus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIBSX peas TAETSJ Megalurothrips sjostedti thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PIEAB norway spruce CHMYPI Chrysomyxa pirolata spruce cone rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) CHMYPI Chrysomyxa pirolata spruce cone rust 1 1 Northern: FI
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) DIORAB Dioryctria abietella cone pyralid 1 1 Northern: FI
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PIEAB norway spruce treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) HYLEAH Strobilomyia anthracina spruce cone maggot 1 1 Northern: FI
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
PLEUEY king oyster PSDMSP Pseudomonas sp. blights 1 1 Southern: ES
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
PRISS Primula sp. 1GERG Geranium geranium 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Ornamentals
PRISS Primula sp. CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Ornamentals
PRISS Primula sp. PHYTPR Phytophthora primulae root rot 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Ornamentals
PRISS Primula sp. POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PRISS Primula sp. RAMUPR Ramularia primulae leaf spot of Primula 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Ornamentals
PRISS Primula sp. TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Ornamentals
PRNAR apricot 1FUSLG Fusicladium (rejected name) 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot ANTHPY Anthonomus piri bud weevil 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PRNAV sweet cherry ARGYEP Argyresthia pruniella cherry blossom tineid 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry RHAGIN Rhagoletis indifferens fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry RUMLO Rumex longifolius northern dock 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAV sweet cherry TRANDI Tranzschelia discolor rust 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry ARGYEP Argyresthia pruniella cherry blossom tineid 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry CAPNTE Capnodis tenebrionis peach capnodis 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry PSDMMP Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum cherry canker 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry RHAGIN Rhagoletis indifferens fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry STIGCA Wilsonomyces carpophilus shot-hole 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum 1MUCOG Mucor mucor rot 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum BOTSOB Diplodia seriata black rot of apple 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum ENARFO Enarmonia formosana bark tortrix 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum EUPSSA Eupsilia transversa satellite moth 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 1 1 Northern: SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum PENARU Pentatoma rufipes forest bug 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum PHYTCC Phytophthora cactorum Phytophtera 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum PODOCL Podosphaera clandestina powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum PPV000 Potyvirus plumpoxi sharka 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNCF cherry plum VALSLE Cytospora leucostoma canker 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 1 Central: AT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PRNDO european plum ANTHPY Anthonomus piri bud weevil 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum BOTSOB Diplodia seriata black rot of apple 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum ENARFO Enarmonia formosana bark tortrix 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum ERPHSI Eriophyes similis plum pouch-gall mite 1 1 Northern: EE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum EUPSSA Eupsilia transversa satellite moth 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum MYCOCE Pruniphilomyces circumscissus shot-hole 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum PODOCL Podosphaera clandestina powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum PSDMSY Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae bacterian drying 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum PUCIAR Pucciniastrum areolatum rust 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum RNCHCU Rhynchites cupreus plum borer 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum RUMLO Rumex longifolius northern dock 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum TRANDI Tranzschelia discolor rust 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum VALSLE Cytospora leucostoma canker 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond EPHECA Cadra cautella almond moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond FUSCAM Diaporthe amygdali 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond MYELCE Apomyelois ceratoniae carob moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond PLODIN Plodia interpunctella indian meal moth (post harvest) 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond TRANDI Tranzschelia discolor rust 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDU sweet almond VALSCI Cytospora cincta canker 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine 1FUSLG Fusicladium (rejected name) 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine ANURPN Brachycaudus persicae black peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine EMPODC Asymmetrasca decedens 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine PSDMSY Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae bacterian drying 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine TAPHPR Taphrina pruni bladder plums 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine TRANDI Tranzschelia discolor rust 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine XANTPR Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops stone fruit crops
PSIGU guava 1BCTRG Bactrocera fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PSIGU guava 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PSIGU guava GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate COSSCO Cossus cossus cossus 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate PUNGR Punica granatum pomegranate 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined fruit crops no crop group defined
PUNGR pomegranate SIPOPH Siphoninus phillyreae whiteflies 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
PYUCO pear BOTSOB Diplodia seriata black rot of apple 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear ENARFO Enarmonia formosana bark tortrix 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear EPITPI Epitrimerus pyri pear rust of mite 1 1 Central: SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear ERICLI Caliroa cerasi slug 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear GYMNFU Gymnosporangium sabinae trellis rust of pear 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear NEURSA Neurotoma flaviventris pear web-spinning sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear PEZIMA Neofabraea malicorticis anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear PSECCO Pseudococcus comstocki mealybugs 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear RUMLO Rumex longifolius northern dock 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear VALSLE Cytospora leucostoma canker 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
QUESU cork oak CORUFL Coraebus florentinus 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Ornamentals
QUESU cork oak PLTPCS Platypus cylindrus oak pinhole borer 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Ornamentals
RAPSL radish, chinese LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSL radish, chinese LIPAER Lipaphis erysimi aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSL radish, chinese TRIPNI Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish BARICO Baris coerulescens baris 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSN black Spanish radish PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSR small radish BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RAPSR small radish PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) ANGAR Lysimachia arvensis Scarlet pimpernel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals arable crops brassica arable crops
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) GALAP Galium aparine cleavers 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) LAMPU Lamium purpureum red dead nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) POLPE Persicaria maculosa redshank 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) SONAR Sonchus arvensis sowthistle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RHESZ rhubarb (ornamental species) VERPE Veronica persica field speedwell 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RHOSI sim's azalea GRACAZ Caloptilia azaleella azalea leaf miner 1 1 Central: BE
fg insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RHOSI sim's azalea PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Central: BE
fg fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RIBNI black currant 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant ASCXEP Byakushincecis eppoi juniper gall midge 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant CRONRI Cronartium ribicola rust 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant CRYMRI Cryptomyzus ribis yellow aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant FFFCV bindweed plants bindweeds and others 1 1 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: DE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant HYPELA Hyperomyzus lactucae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant MYCORI Mycosphaerella grossulariae leaf spot 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant RHOSRI Rhopalosiphoninus ribesinus currant stem aphid 1 1 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBNI black currant SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 1 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants ABRXGR Abraxas grossulariata gooseberry moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants CAPURE Adoxophyes orana summer fruit tortrix 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants CRONRI Cronartium ribicola rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants CRYMRI Cryptomyzus ribis yellow aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants MYCORI Mycosphaerella grossulariae leaf spot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants NEMARI Nematus ribesii common sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants PANDRI Pandemis cerasana common currant tortrix 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants PCNEPU Pachynematus pumilio fruit sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
RIBRU red and white currants PRISPA Pristiphora rufipes green currant worm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants PUCCRC Puccinia ribesii-caricis leaf rust of red currant 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants ZOPHCO Zophodia convolutella gooseberry fruitworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBSS currants BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBSS currants PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: SE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBSS currants PUCCRC Puccinia ribesii-caricis leaf rust of red currant 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBSS currants ZZXXZZ unknown parasitic pathogen unknown parasitic pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: SE
fg plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry 3PSSCT PGR sucker, stolon, runner control PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: EE
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry ABRXGR Abraxas grossulariata gooseberry moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry APHDGR Aphidula grossulariae gooseberry aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry CRONRI Cronartium ribicola rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry DREPRI Drepanopeziza ribis anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry MYCORI Mycosphaerella grossulariae leaf spot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry NEMARI Nematus ribesii common sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry PRISPA Pristiphora rufipes green currant worm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry PUCCRC Puccinia ribesii-caricis leaf rust of red currant 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry QUADPE Comstockaspis perniciosa San Jose scale 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry YEXST kill of suckers suckers/wild shoots 1 1 Central: SI
fg plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBUC gooseberry ZOPHCO Zophodia convolutella gooseberry fruitworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RMSOF rosemary, garden CRYSAM Chrysolina americana rosemary leaf beetle 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ROSSS Rosa sp. 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
ROSSS Rosa sp. BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: EL
fg fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
ROSSS Rosa sp. BOTRSP Botrytis sp. Botrytis rot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
ROSSS Rosa sp. SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
RUBFR blackberry 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry 1PUCCG Puccinia rust 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ANTHRU Anthonomus rubi black anthonomus 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry CLADCL Cladosporium cladosporioides Cladosporium 1 1 Northern: SE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 1 1 Central: UK
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ODOTCO Odontothrips confusus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry PHRAVI Phragmidium violaceum rust 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry PLANFI Planococcus ficus meaylug 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBFR blackberry ZZXXZZ unknown parasitic pathogen unknown parasitic pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
RUBID raspberry AVEFA Avena fatua wild oat 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry DOLYBA Dolycoris baccarum sloe bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry INCURU Lampronia corticella raspberry stem bud moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry MOOLAU Monolepta australis monolepta beetle 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry NYSIVI Nysius vinitor bugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry ODOTCO Odontothrips confusus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry PENNHY Pennisetia hylaeiformis raspberry clearwing 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry PLANFI Planococcus ficus meaylug 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry RUMLO Rumex longifolius northern dock 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry ZZXXZZ unknown parasitic pathogen unknown parasitic pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
fg other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
SACOF common sugarcane CHIOTE Aulacaspis tegalensis scales 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
SACOF common sugarcane SOLEGE Solenopsis geminata fireant 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
SALOF sage, common BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SALOF sage, common CICLME Cicadella melissae leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SALOF sage, common CRYSAM Chrysolina americana rosemary leaf beetle 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SALOF sage, common TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Southern: CY
fg acaricide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SALOF sage, common CICLME Cicadella melissae leafhoppers 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SAMNI elderberry CLADSR Cladosporium sphaerospermum Cladosporium 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
SAXEL Salix eleagnos CRYSAM Chrysolina americana rosemary leaf beetle 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Ornamentals
SAXVI osier willow CRYPLA Cryptorhynchus lapathi poplar and willow borer 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow DREPSH Drepanopeziza sphaerioides leaf spot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow EARICH Earias clorana osier green moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow MELMEP Melampsora epitea f. sp. euonymi-capraearum rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow PHRRVI Phratora vitellinae brassy willow leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow PLLBOB Phyllobius oblongus weevils 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow RHYTSA Rhytisma salicinum tar spot of willow 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SAXVI osier willow VENTSA Venturia saliciperda blights 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
SEGIN sesame AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SEGIN sesame ANTICA Antigastra catalaunalis sesame webworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SEGIN sesame OIDIAN Oidium anacardii powdery mildew 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
SEHED chayote PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
SEHED chayote TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
SLYMA holy thistle 1MATG Matricaria chamomille 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SLYMA holy thistle MATMT Matricaria discoidea camomile 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SLYMA holy thistle VANSCA Cynthia cardui thistle butterfly 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SOLME aubergine 1DIASF Diaspididae scales 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine EMPOBI Amrasca biguttula leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine EPIXCU Epitrix cucumeris flea beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine EPIXFU Epitrix fuscula flea beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine EPIXTU Epitrix tuberis flea beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine FRANSP Frankliniella sp. thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine FUSALY Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici fusarium 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: CH
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LEUIOR Leucinodes orbonalis shoot borer 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PEPMV0 Potexvirus pepini viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PHYTNP Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica Phytophtora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PLUSCH Chrysodeixis chalcites caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PSYIAN Psylliodes angusticollis flea beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine RADOSI Radopholus similis nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine RALSSO Ralstonia solanacearum species complex bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine TMV000 Tobamovirus tabaci viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLTU potato AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Central: NL
fg plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
SORVU sorghum 1COLLG Colletotrichum colletotrichum 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum BUSSFU Busseola fusca stem borers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum CLAVAF Claviceps africana sorghum ergot 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum PUCCPU Puccinia purpurea rust 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum SCPHMA Sclerophthora macrospora downy mildew 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum SPHTSO Sporisorium sorghi head smut 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SORVU sorghum TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
SPQOL spinach 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach ALTHHO Aleurothrixus howardi whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach APHACL Aphanomyces cladogamus Aphanomyces 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach APHACO Aphanomyces cochlioides Aphanomyces 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach LIRISP Liriomyza sp. leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach ODOTCO Odontothrips confusus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach PEGOHY Pegomya hyoscyami flies 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach PEROFB Peronospora farinosa f. sp. betae downy mildew 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
STIHO summer savory CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
STIHO summer savory CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
TRFRE white clover grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: NO
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
TRZDI emmer wheat 1ARFG Arctium burdock 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
TRZDI emmer wheat 1MATG Matricaria chamomille 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
TRZDI emmer wheat APESV Apera spica-venti loose bentgrass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
TRZDI emmer wheat SEPTTR Zymoseptoria tritici leaf spot of wheat 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
TRZMO one-grained wheat 1ARFG Arctium burdock 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
TRZMO one-grained wheat 1MATG Matricaria chamomille 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
TRZMO one-grained wheat APESV Apera spica-venti loose bentgrass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
TRZMO one-grained wheat SEPTTR Zymoseptoria tritici leaf spot of wheat 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale AVEFA Avena fatua wild oat 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale CEPHPY Cephus pygmeus european wheat-stem sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale COCHSA Bipolaris sorokiniana foot rot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale ERYSGR Blumeria graminis powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale EURYMA Eurygaster maura cereal bug,tortoise bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale GAEUGR Gaeumannomyces graminis take-all of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale HAPDMA Haplodiplosis marginata saddle gall midge 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale LEMALI Oulema gallaeciana cereal leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale LEMAME Oulema melanopus leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale LEPTNO Parastagonospora nodorum glume blotch of wheat 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale MAYEDE Mayetiola destructor hessian fly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale MONGNI Microdochium nivale foot rot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale OSCIFR Oscinella frit frit flies 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale PSDCHE Oculimacula yallundae eyespot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale PUCCGR Puccinia graminis black stem rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale PUCCRT Puccinia triticina brown rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale PUCCST Puccinia striiformis stripe rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale PYRNTR Pyrenophora tritici-repentis tan spot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale RHYNSE Rhynchosporium secalis leaf blotch of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale TILLCA Tilletia caries common bunt of wheat 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale TYPHIN Typhula incarnata snow blight of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
TTLWI winter triticale USTINH Ustilago nuda loose smut of barley 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
VACCO blueberry 1PUCCG Puccinia rust 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry ACEIES Acalitus essigi mites 1 1 Northern: SE
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry DASYPL Dasineura plicatrix leaf curling midge 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry FUSASP Fusarium sp. fusarium 1 1 Northern: LT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry PHRARU Phragmidium rubi-idaei rust 1 1 Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACCO blueberry ZZXXZZ unknown parasitic pathogen unknown parasitic pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMA cranberry EUZOPI Euzophera pinguis moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMA cranberry METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMA cranberry ODOTCO Odontothrips confusus thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMA cranberry SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMY bilberry AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
VACMY bilberry DASYVA Dasineura oxycoccana gall midge 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMY bilberry EXOBVA Exobasidium vaccinii leaf gall of blueberry 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMY bilberry PLANFI Planococcus ficus meaylug 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VACMY bilberry VALDHE Valdensia heterodoxa valdensia leaf blight 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
VICFX broad beans 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans APHAEU Aphanomyces euteiches root rot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans ASCOPI Ascochyta pisi Asochyta 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
VICFX broad beans RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VICFX broad beans treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) 1BOTRG Botrytis botrytis 1 1 Northern: NO
u fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VIGSQ asparagus bean HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VIGSQ asparagus bean LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
VITVI grapevine AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Northern: EE
fg bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine APHIVT Aphis vitis aphid 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine FOMPME Fomitiporia mediterranea ESCA 1 1 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine GUIGBI Phyllosticta ampelicida black rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine LEPSUL Lepidosaphes ulmi scales 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine LYGUSI Apolygus spinolae 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
VLLLO lamb's lettuce 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VLLLO lamb's lettuce 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VLLLO lamb's lettuce FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VLLLO lamb's lettuce PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ZIZAQ American wild rice COCHMI Bipolaris oryzae 1 1 Central: HU
f fungicide Rice
CPSAN sweet pepper THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
RUBID raspberry ACEIGR Phyllocoptes gracilis raspberry mite 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry TETRCI Tetranychus cinnabarinus red spider mite 1 1 Southern: PT
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
PUNGR pomegranate 1PLANG Planococcus 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
RUBFR blackberry POPIJA Popillia japonica 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
RUBID raspberry POPIJA Popillia japonica 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
PRNPN nectarine HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
3HERC herb crops POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1
ALLSC chives NAPOGY Phytomyza gymnostoma onion leaf miner 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
1CIDG citrus fruits PHYNCI Phyllocnistis citrella citrus borer 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIEAR chickpeas MYCORA Ascochyta rabiei 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn PYRUNU Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops no crop group defined
FOEVD sweet fennel SEPTSP Septoria sp. 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLFI welsh onion 1SONG Sonchus sowthistle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLFI welsh onion 1VERG Veronica speedwell 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLFI welsh onion CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLFI welsh onion CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLFI welsh onion LAMPU Lamium purpureum red dead nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion MYOAR Myosotis arvensis forget-me-not 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLPO leek 1SONG Sonchus sowthistle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLPO leek 1VERG Veronica speedwell 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLPO leek CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLPO leek CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLPO leek LAMPU Lamium purpureum red dead nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek MYOAR Myosotis arvensis forget-me-not 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLCE onion SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion SOLPS Solanum physalifolium hairy nightshade 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ARWLA horseradish PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BRSNA swedish turnip PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ORYSA rice LISSOR Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus rice water weevil 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Rice 1 arable crops no crop group defined
BRSOA kale PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOA kale PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NNNZW turf TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals 1
CYUSC globe artichoke HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUSC globe artichoke HYDOXA Gortyna xanthenes 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops no crop group defined
CPSAN sweet pepper AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: PT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
APUGR celeriac SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
HELTU jerusalem artichoke SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PAVSA parsnip SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
PRNDO european plum PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
FRAAN strawberry 1CYLCG Cylindrocarpon (rejected name) black root rot 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
CUUPE marrow 1ERYSF Erysiphaceae 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ERUVE salad rockets PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ALLSA garlic NAPOGY Phytomyza gymnostoma onion leaf miner 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSRR turnips PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LACSA lettuce MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CPSAN sweet pepper CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PARCR garden parsley SEPTPE Septoria petroselini septoria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
PRNPN nectarine LASPMO Grapholita molesta oriental peach leafroller 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple CAPURE Adoxophyes orana summer fruit tortrix 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops pome fruit crops
CYLAV hazelnuts 1ACARO Acarida mite 1 1 Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops nut crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean APHIAC Aphis acanthi 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVN dwarf french bean TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans APHIAC Aphis acanthi 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
PRNCE sour cherry 1TETRF Tetranychidae spider mite 1 1 Central: AT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
DAUCS carrot CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
GLXMA soya beans METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops legume crops
BRSOB cauliflower PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DAUCS carrot HETDSP Heterodera sp. 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PUCCAL Puccinia allii rust 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PEBAM avocado PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLCE onion CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLCE onion FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
BRSRR turnips HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
NIOTA tobacco LEMABI Lema bilineata 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Tobacco 1 arable crops no crop group defined
PRNPS peach, nectarine PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 1 1 Central: CH
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CORSA coriander, common SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
DAUCS carrot SOLTU Solanum tuberosum potato 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops no crop group defined
PAVSA parsnip SOLTU Solanum tuberosum potato 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops no crop group defined
ORYSA rice 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Rice 1 arable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) POPIJA Popillia japonica 1 1 Southern: IT
fg insecticide Ornamentals 1
SOLTU potato AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops no crop group defined
BRSRR turnips CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BRSRR turnips POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
ERUVE salad rockets CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ERUVE salad rockets POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
OCIBA basil CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
OCIBA basil CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
RIBRU red and white currants LECACO Parthenolecanium corni european fruit scale 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
PARCR garden parsley CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PARCR garden parsley POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PAPSO poppy CEUTMA Neoglocianus maculaalba weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PRNPN nectarine ANTHTU Anthonomus bituberculatus 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
OCIBA basil 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 1 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
ZEAMX maize SETOTU Exserohilum turcicum nothern leaf blight 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops maize and millet crops
GLXMA soya beans AMARE Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranth 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops legume crops
NIOTA tobacco LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 1 1 Central: PL
f insecticide Tobacco 1 arable crops no crop group defined
PRNDO european plum CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: DE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBSS currants HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops small fruit crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin DYSACR Dysaphis crataegi hawthorn-carrot aphid 1 1 Southern: PT
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ROSSS Rosa sp. THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Ornamentals 1 ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
TULSS Tulipa sp. TVX000 Potexvirus ecstulipae tulip virus x 1 1 Central: NL
f viricide Ornamentals 1
PEBAM avocado OLIGPA Oligonychus perseae mites 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
PRNCF cherry plum METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
MNGIN mango EROSIN Procontarinia mangiferae midge 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
DOSKA kaki CERPCE Ceroplastes ceriferus 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops no crop group defined
LACSA lettuce THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
ALLCE onion AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
BRSOB cauliflower HYLEFL Delia floralis root fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 1 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNN oilseed rape grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) ALTESP Alternaria sp. blights 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 arable crops brassica arable crops
PRNAR apricot BLUMJA Blumeriella jaapii anthracnose 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 1 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LACSA lettuce 1MELGG Meloidogyne 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PARCT turnip-rooted parsley MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper TETRSP Tetranychus sp. spider mite 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CYLAV hazelnuts METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops nut crops
LYPES tomato THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
GLXMA soya beans HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 arable crops legume crops
LYPES tomato CORBMI Clavibacter michiganensis bacterial canker of tomato 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
SOLTU potato COLLCC Colletotrichum coccodes anthracnose 2 1 Central: CH
Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 arable crops no crop group defined
PARCR garden parsley 2WEED weed plants weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PAPSO poppy STESFU Stenocarus ruficornis weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
VITVI grapevine CRYBGN Cryptoblabes gnidiella 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
PAVSA parsnip POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
SOLTU potato SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 arable crops no crop group defined
RUBID raspberry 1CYLCG Cylindrocarpon (rejected name) black root rot 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
ERUVE salad rockets PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
CICIN chicory NAPOCI Napomyza cichorii witloof leafminer 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
PHSVX french beans BRCHRU Bruchus rufimanus weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
SOLME aubergine LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PHSVX french beans ACANOB Acanthoscelides obtectus common bean weevil 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
NIOTA tobacco BOTRSP Botrytis sp. Botrytis rot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Tobacco 2 arable crops no crop group defined
VACCO blueberry BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
VITVI grapevine METTUL Panonychus ulmi red spider mite 1 1 Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
VITVI grapevine TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Northern: EE
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
PRNAR apricot MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LIUUT flax ALTELI Alternaria linicola seedling blight 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
ORYSA rice FUSASP Fusarium sp. fusarium 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Rice 2 arable crops no crop group defined
VACMY bilberry FIMBFI Ericaphis fimbriata 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops small fruit crops
MABSD apple DIPCML Diplocarpon coronariae Marssonina 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
LIUUT flax PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
ASPOF asparagus AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
OCIBA basil POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
OCIBA basil POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
OCIBA basil POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
OCIBA basil POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
MABSD apple APHIPO Aphis pomi green aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry MYZUCE Myzus cerasi black cherry aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PARCR garden parsley MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fresh herbs 2 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
CIDLI lemon TRIZER Trioza erytreae citrus psilla 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDRE mandarin TRIZER Trioza erytreae citrus psilla 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDSI orange TRIZER Trioza erytreae citrus psilla 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
BRSCH pak-choi SCATFL Scaptomyza flava leaf miners 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
PRNDO european plum LECACO Parthenolecanium corni european fruit scale 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LYPES tomato TETREV Tetranychus evansi red spider mite 1 1 Southern: IT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 2 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
ATIAR baby kiwi SCHIPO Schizothyrium pomi fly speck of apple 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 2 fruit crops no crop group defined
SOLTU potato 1GLOBG Globodera 1 1 Southern: FR
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops no crop group defined
CYLAV hazelnuts ERPHAV Phytoptus avellanae mites 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops nut crops
ORYSA rice HYDRSP Hydrellia sp. corn leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Rice 3 arable crops no crop group defined
ALLCE onion NAPOGY Phytomyza gymnostoma onion leaf miner 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
OLVEU olive PHILSU Philaenus spumarius meadow spittlebug 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops no crop group defined
CRYCA common caraway treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) DEPRDA Depressaria daucella moth 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
SOLTU potato 1ELATF Elateridae 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
NAAOF watercress RHIZSP Rhizoctonia sp. damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
SOLTU potato PHYTIN Phytophthora infestans Phytophtora 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops no crop group defined
ATIAR baby kiwi DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons LARISP Larinus sp. 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons TERESP Terellia sp. 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops no crop group defined
BRSPK peking cabbage PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
MABSD apple VASASD Aculus schlechtendali apple bud mite 1 1 Northern: SE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNDO european plum VASAFL Aculus fockeui mites 1 1 Northern: SE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNPS peach, nectarine MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum PHODHU Phorodon humuli aphids 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
LIUUT flax PHOMEL Boeremia linicola foot rot of flax 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
HELAN sunflower 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 arable crops no crop group defined
PRNCE sour cherry MONIFC Monilinia fructicola brown rot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CYDOB quince ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 1 1 Central: CH
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops pome fruit crops
CUUPG courgette BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
RIBNI black currant PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants PODOAP Podosphaera aphanis powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
RIBRU red and white currants SPHRMU Podosphaera mors-uvae powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops small fruit crops
SOLME aubergine BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: LT
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CIDAF lime GEOTCA Geotrichum candidum sour rot of citrus 1 1 Southern: PT
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDLI lemon GEOTCA Geotrichum candidum sour rot of citrus 1 1 Southern: PT
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDRE mandarin GEOTCA Geotrichum candidum sour rot of citrus 1 1 Southern: PT
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDSI orange GEOTCA Geotrichum candidum sour rot of citrus 1 1 Southern: PT
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops citrus fruit crops
PRNCE sour cherry ANTHRE Furcipus rectirostris 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops stone fruit crops
MABSD apple LEPSUL Lepidosaphes ulmi scales 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 3 fruit crops pome fruit crops
CPSAN sweet pepper MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
MABSD apple PSECCO Pseudococcus comstocki mealybugs 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops pome fruit crops
ALLCE onion SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Northern: SE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
PRNAR apricot VENTCA Venturia carpophila scab of stone fruit 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNAR apricot PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 1 1 Central: CH
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
RIBSS currants DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops small fruit crops
ORYSA rice ALSPA Alisma plantago-aquatica 1 1 Southern: PT
f herbicide Rice 4 arable crops no crop group defined
NAAOF watercress RHISO Rhinanthus songeonii Rhizoctonia 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LACSA lettuce PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
SPQOL spinach PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
PRNPN nectarine DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
PRNDO european plum BLUMJA Blumeriella jaapii anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 4 fruit crops stone fruit crops
CUMME melon MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ORYSA rice CHIRSP Chironomus sp. non-biting midges 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Rice 5 arable crops no crop group defined
PIBSX peas PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 5 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CYLAV hazelnuts 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 5 fruit crops nut crops
CUUPG courgette MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
LOLPE perennial ryegrass LAMPU Lamium purpureum red dead nettle 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 arable crops grass crops
APUGR celeriac SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 6 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
HELAN sunflower BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 6 arable crops no crop group defined
LYPES tomato MELGSP Meloidogyne sp. nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables 7 vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
PARCR garden parsley SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 7 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
PARCR garden parsley SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs 7 herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
VITVI grapevine PLANFI Planococcus ficus meaylug 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 7 fruit crops no crop group defined
BEAVA sugar beet APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 arable crops beet crops
PAPSO poppy PEROAR Peronospora arborescens Poppy mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 8 herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLCE onion treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 8 vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
MABSD apple BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops pome fruit crops
VITVI grapevine TOGNMI Phaeoacremonium minimum ESCA 1 1 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables 8 fruit crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Northern: EE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PYUCO pear TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Northern: EE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops pome fruit crops
PRNAR apricot SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 9 fruit crops stone fruit crops
BRSOL white cabbage treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables 9 vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ATIDE kiwi PSDMAK Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops no crop group defined
MABSD apple ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 10 fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple VENTPI Venturia pyrina scab of pear 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables 11 fruit crops pome fruit crops
1AMYG amaryllis TARSPA Phytonemus pallidus strawberry mite 1 1 Central: BE
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
1ASPG Asparagus 3PEDIT perennial dicotyledonous weeds perennial dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
1BUXG buxus CYLDBU Calonectria pseudonaviculata canker 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Ornamentals
1CHYG Chrysanthemum FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Central: UK
fg insecticide Ornamentals
1CIDG citrus fruits AONDAU Aonidiella aurantii red scale 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
1CIDG citrus fruits TAPINI Tapinoma nigerrimum ant 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
1CRUF Brassicaceae grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) ALTESP Alternaria sp. blights 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
1CRUF Brassicaceae grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PHOMSP Phoma sp. Phoma sp. 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
1DAHG dahlia AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Southern: EL
fg bactericide Ornamentals
1FUNGK fungi 1TRCDG Trichoderma Trichoderma 1 1 Southern: FR
i fungicide Mushrooms
1FUNGK fungi PSDMTL Pseudomonas tolaasii bacterial spot of mushrooms 1 1 Central: NL
i bactericide Mushrooms
1FUNGK fungi SCIASP Sciara sp. sciarid 1 1 Southern: FR
i insecticide Mushrooms
1GEBG gerbera BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals
1GEBG gerbera ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals
1GEBG gerbera PHYTCR Phytophthora cryptogea Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals
1GLAG Gladiolus 3PEDIT perennial dicotyledonous weeds perennial dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: UK
fg herbicide Ornamentals
1GRAF grasses PSEDUN Mythimna unipuncta true armyworm 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Ornamentals
1HBEG hebe FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Central: BE
f fungicide Ornamentals
1HYPG Hypericum CRYSAM Chrysolina americana rosemary leaf beetle 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Ornamentals
1NARG Narcissus DEROAG Deroceras agreste slug 1 1 Central: UK
f molluscicide Ornamentals
1PINF Pinaceae BURSXY Bursaphelenchus xylophilus nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
f nematicide Ornamentals
1ROSG Rosa SPHRPA Podosphaera pannosa powdery mildew 1 1 Central: BE
fg fungicide Ornamentals
1TULG Tulipa BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
1TULG Tulipa BOTRTU Botrytis tulipae tulip fire 1 1 Central: UK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
2WOOP Nursery stock plants 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide
3AMGC amenity grassland 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Ornamentals
3AMGC amenity grassland AGROSP Agrotis sp. dart moths 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Ornamentals
3ARAC arable crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops CYPES Cyperus esculentus tiger nut 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined vegetable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops MUSXSP Mus sp. mice 1 1 Central: NL
f rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined weeds monocotyledonous weeds
3ARAC arable crops PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Central: NL
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3ARAC arable crops treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) HYLEAR Delia arambourgi barley fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
3BARC barley crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
3BEEC beet crops 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3BEEC beet crops CHAETI Chaetocnema tibialis beet flea beetle 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3BEEC beet crops DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Central: CH
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables
3BEEC beet crops PNSTLE Pentastiridius leporinus schilf-Glasflügelzikade 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3BEEC beet crops PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3FBRC flowerhead brassica crops HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3GRAC grass crops 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops GLOESP Gloeosporium sp. anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops HELMSP Helminthosporium sp. leaf blight 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops MELOSP Melolontha sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops PYRISP Pyricularia sp. blast of rice 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops RHYNSP Rhynchosporium sp. Rhynchosporium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops SCLEHO Clarireedia homoeocarpa cereals dollar spot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3GRAC grass crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PUCCSP Puccinia sp. rust 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Ornamentals
3HERC herb crops 1CERCF Cercopidae 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops BRAIPA Bradysia paupera sciarid flies 1 1 Northern: SE
g insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops ICERPU Icerya purchasi scales 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops PSYLSP Psylla sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops STEPSP Stephanitis sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Southern: PT
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
3HERC herb crops APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs weeds monocotyledonous weeds
3HERC herb crops SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
3HERC herb crops SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs
3HSMC herbs, spices and medicinal crops AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3HSMC herbs, spices and medicinal crops FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3HSMC herbs, spices and medicinal crops MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3LEAC leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3LEAC leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) LIRIBC Liriomyza brassicae leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3LEAC leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: NL
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
3LEAC leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3LEGC legume crops AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LEGC legume crops APIOPI Holotrichapion pisi weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LEGC legume crops DASYME Dasineura medicaginis midge 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LEGC legume crops LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LEGC legume crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LEGC legume crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) treatment of seeds (3SEEDO 1INSEC Insecta Insects 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
3LFBC leafy brassica crops BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3LFBC leafy brassica crops HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
3OATC oat crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: NL
fg herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: NL
fg herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants IPSXTY Ips typographus spruce bark beetle 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants MHTPO Marchantia polymorpha moss/liverwort 1 1 Central: BE
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants PINEPI Pineus pini common pine aphid 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORBC ornamental broad-leaved trees, shrubs, and climbing plants THEAPM Thecabius populi-monilis bead-like cottonwood gall aphid 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants AMHISO Amphimallon solstitialis summer chafer 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) 1PHYTG Phytophthora Phytophthora 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ACEITU Aceria tulipae wheat curl mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AGRBRH Rhizobium rhizogenes bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AGRBRU Rhizobium rubi 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ANAPCO Dichromothrips corbetti 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AONDAU Aonidiella aurantii red scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ARIOSP Arion sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ASPDNE Aspidiotus nerii 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) AULSRO Aulacaspis rosae rose scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BOTREL Botrytis elliptica 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BOTRTU Botrytis tulipae tulip fire 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BRAIIM Bradysia impatiens 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BRVPAU Brevipalpus californicus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BRVPOB Brevipalpus obovatus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) BRVPPH Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato passion vine mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) COCCHE Coccus hesperidum 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) DEROSP Deroceras sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) ERWICH Erwinia chrysanthemi bacterial wilt of ornamentals 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) FRANIT Frankliniella intonsa 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) GYNAUZ Gynaikothrips uzeli 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) HERCFE Hercinothrips femoralis 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LECACO Parthenolecanium corni european fruit scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LEHMVA Lehmannia valentiana 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LIMTCE Limothrips cerealium 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LIMXSP Limax sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LIRIBO Liriomyza bryoniae leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LYGUHE Lygus hesperus bugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LYPRCA Lyprauta cambria Lyprauta cambria 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) LYPRCH Lyprauta chacoensis Lyprauta chacoensis 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) MILXGA Milax gagates 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) MILXSO Tandonia sowerbii 1 1 Central: NL
g molluscicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) OTIOSU Otiorhynchus sulcatus black vine weevil 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PAREDR Parthenothrips dracaenae 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PHYTNN Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae mildew 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PLEOAL Stemphylium vesicarium Stemphylium 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PLUSCH Chrysodeixis chalcites caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PODOXA Podosphaera xanthii powdery mildew 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PRCRTR Proceroplatus trinidadensis Proceroplatus trinidadensis 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PSECAD Pseudococcus longispinus mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PSPESR Peronospora sparsa downy mildew 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) PUCCHN Puccinia horiana 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) RAOIIN Raoiella indica mites 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) RHIGRO Rhizoglyphus robini 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) SCUTIM Scutigerella immaculata Symphyllans 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TARSLA Steneotarsonemus laticeps 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TENUPA Tenuipalpus pacificus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Northern: SE
fg insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) THRIFU Thrips fuscipennis thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) THRIPV Thrips parvispinus 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) THRISE Thrips setosus 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORHC ornamental herbaceous plants pot plants (NNNZT) VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1ALTEG Alternaria leaf spot 1 1 Central: UK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1APHIF Aphididae aphid 1 1 Central: UK
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1APLOG Aphelenchoides leaf nematode 1 1 Central: UK
fg nematicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1BREMG Bremia downy mildew 1 1 Central: UK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1MHTP Marchantiophyta liverwort, moss 1 1 Central: UK
fg herbicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1PHYTG Phytophthora Phytophthora 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1PUCCF Pucciniaceae rust 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1SCOLF Scolytidae bark beetle 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1THRIF Thripidae thrips 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 1XANTG Xanthomonas 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ACEITU Aceria tulipae wheat curl mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ACVRAC Acidovorax cattleyae 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AGRBRH Rhizobium rhizogenes bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AGRBRU Rhizobium rubi 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ALTEAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AMHISO Amphimallon solstitialis summer chafer 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ANAPCO Dichromothrips corbetti 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AONDAU Aonidiella aurantii red scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ARIOSP Arion sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ASPDNE Aspidiotus nerii 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) AULSRO Aulacaspis rosae rose scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BOTREL Botrytis elliptica 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BRAIPA Bradysia paupera sciarid flies 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BRVPAU Brevipalpus californicus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BRVPOB Brevipalpus obovatus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) BRVPPH Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato passion vine mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CACOCO Clepsis spectrana caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CALOSP Calonectria sp. Calonectria 1 1 Central: BE
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CHANOR Chaetanaphothrips orchidii 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CHMTSY Chromatomyia syngenesiae leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) COCCHE Coccus hesperidum 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) COCCVI Coccus viridis green shield scale 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) CYPES Cyperus esculentus tiger nut 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Ornamentals vegetable crops no crop group defined
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) DEROSP Deroceras sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Central: NL
fg nematicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ERWIAM Erwinia amylovora fireblight 1 1 Central: BE
fg bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
g bactericide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) ERYSSP Erysiphe sp. powdery mildew 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) FRANIT Frankliniella intonsa 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: DK
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) GYNAUZ Gynaikothrips uzeli 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) HERCFE Hercinothrips femoralis 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) KABTTH Kabatina thujae needle blight of thuja 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LECACO Parthenolecanium corni european fruit scale 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LEHMVA Lehmannia valentiana 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIMTCE Limothrips cerealium 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIMXSP Limax sp. slugs and snails 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIRISP Liriomyza sp. leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LYGUHE Lygus hesperus bugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MELOHI Melolontha hippocastani cockchafer 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MILXGA Milax gagates 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MILXSO Tandonia sowerbii 1 1 Central: NL
fg molluscicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) MYRCSC Myrmica scabrinodis 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PAREDR Parthenothrips dracaenae 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PHILSU Philaenus spumarius meadow spittlebug 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PHYLGR Phyllactinia fraxini powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PHYTMV Phytophthora multivesiculata 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PLEOAL Stemphylium vesicarium Stemphylium 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: BE
f nematicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PRATSP Pratylenchus sp. leaf eelworms 1 1 Central: NL
fg nematicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSDMSP Pseudomonas sp. blights 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PSPESR Peronospora sparsa downy mildew 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) PUCCHN Puccinia horiana 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) RAOIIN Raoiella indica mites 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) RHIGRO Rhizoglyphus robini 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) SCUTIM Scutigerella immaculata Symphyllans 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) STEPRH Stephanitis rhododendri rhododendron lace bug 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TARSLA Steneotarsonemus laticeps 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TARSPA Phytonemus pallidus strawberry mite 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TENUPA Tenuipalpus pacificus 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) THRIFU Thrips fuscipennis thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) THRIPV Thrips parvispinus 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) THRISE Thrips setosus 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) TORTPR Cacoecimorpha pronubana 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) VENTSP Venturia sp. scab/black spot 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Central: NL
g fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) YWHPP inhibition of plant growth growth reduction 1 1 Central: NL
fg plant growth regulator Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3BULBO RHIGSP Rhizoglyphus sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) 3BULBO TAETSI Thrips simplex thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 1FUNGK Fungi disease complex 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 1INSEC Insecta Insects 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
3ORTC ornamental plants (terrestrial) grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals
3PLUC plum crops 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: UK
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
3PLUC plum crops PPV000 Potyvirus plumpoxi sharka 1 1 Central: UK
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables
3RYEC rye crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
3SPIC spice crops 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
3SPIC spice crops CONQAN Conchaspis angraeci vanila scale 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
3TRIC triticale crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops cereal crops
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 1FUNGK Fungi disease complex 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) BARISP Baris sp. baris 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) BOTRSP Botrytis sp. Botrytis rot 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) BRCHSP Bruchus sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) BREMSP Bremia sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) DELISP Delia sp. fly 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) LIRISP Liriomyza sp. leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) MELISP Meligethes sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PEGOSP Pegomya sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) SITNSP Sitona sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3VEGC Seed production of vegetable crops grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Seeds
3WHEC wheat crops AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3WHEC wheat crops AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3WHEC wheat crops AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
3WHEC wheat crops HYLECO Delia coarctata wheat bulb fly 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
ABINO nordmann fir EPICT Epilobium ciliatum american willowherb 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
ABMES okra ACONGR Pardoxia graellsii okra moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra CERCHI Pseudocercospora abelmoschi cercosporiosis 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra CERCMA Cercospora malayensis cercospora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra CYMV00 Tymovirus theobromatis cacao yellow mosaic virus 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra EMPOBI Amrasca biguttula leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra FUSAVA Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum fusarium 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra OKLCUV Okra leaf curl virus hibiscus leaf curl 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra SCLORO Athelia rolfsii Sclerotinia 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABMES okra XANTMA Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ABOPR chokeberry DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
ABOPR chokeberry PODOLE Podosphaera leucotricha powdery mildew 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
AFEGR dill CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
AFEGR dill CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill CERCPE Fusoidiella anethi leaf spot 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill ERYSHE Erysiphe heraclei powdery mildew 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
AFEGR dill CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
g insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill ERYSHE Erysiphe heraclei powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AFEGR dill MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
AGARBI button mushroom MGASHA Megaselia halterata mushroom fly 1 1 Central: SI
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
AGARBI button mushroom SCIAMA Lycoriella mali sciarid flies 1 1 Central: SI
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
AGARBI button mushroom SCIAMI Sciara militaris 1 1 Central: PL
i insecticide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
ALLAM wild leek 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
ALLAM wild leek CERTSP Ceratitis sp. fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
ALLAS shallots AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLAS shallots LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLAS shallots MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLAS shallots RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion 1SONG Sonchus sowthistle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLCE onion 1VERG Veronica speedwell 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ALLCE onion 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLCE onion ASPENI Aspergillus niger black mould 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion DELISP Delia sp. fly 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion EUMEST Eumerus strigatus onion bulb fly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion LAMPU Lamium purpureum red dead nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion MYOAR Myosotis arvensis forget-me-not 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion OYDV00 Potyvirus cepae onion yellow dwarf virus 1 1 Northern: EE
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion PENISP Penicillium sp. rots 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion POLIPI Ceramica pisi pea moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion RHIGEC Rhizoglyphus echinopus bulb mite 1 1 Northern: EE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLCE onion RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLFI welsh onion HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion PERODE Peronospora destructor downy mildew 1 1 Central: SK
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLFI welsh onion POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
ALLPO leek 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek EUMEST Eumerus strigatus onion bulb fly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PUCCAL Puccinia allii rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek TRIZTE Bactericera tremblayi onion psyllid 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLPO leek VIOAR Viola arvensis field pansy 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLSA garlic ACROAS Acrolepiopsis assectella leek moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ALLSA garlic BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic BOTRAL Botrytis allii Botrytis 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic EUMEST Eumerus strigatus onion bulb fly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic FUSASP Fusarium sp. fusarium 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic OYDV00 Potyvirus cepae onion yellow dwarf virus 1 1 Northern: EE
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic PENICO Penicillium hirsutum clove rot of garlic 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic POLIPI Ceramica pisi pea moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic RHIGEC Rhizoglyphus echinopus bulb mite 1 1 Northern: EE
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic SCLESQ Botryotinia squamosa Botrytis 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSA garlic SUIILU Suillia lurida garlic fly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSC chives HYLEAN Delia antiqua onion fly 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops
ALLSC chives POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
ANHCO pineapple 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANHCO pineapple 3PFWST PGR flowering stimulation 1 1 Southern: FR
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANHCO pineapple HANLSP Hanseniella sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANHCO pineapple PHYTPL Phytophthora palmivora black pod of cocoa 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANHCO pineapple ROTLSP Rotylenchus sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANHCO pineapple SOLEGE Solenopsis geminata fireant 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ANUCH cherimoya GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUCH cherimoya MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUCH cherimoya PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUCH cherimoya PSECJB Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi mealybugs 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUCH cherimoya SAISHE Saissetia coffeae scales 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUMU soursop CERTRO Ceratitis rosa leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUMU soursop GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
ANUMU soursop PHENHI Maconellicoccus hirsutus hibiscus scale 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops annona crops
APUGD celery 1THRIG Thrips thrips 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
APUGD celery CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
APUGD celery FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGD celery LIRIBO Liriomyza bryoniae leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery LIRIST Liriomyza strigata leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
APUGD celery MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: IE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery PSILRO Chamaepsila rosae carrot fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGD celery URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGD celery VIOAR Viola arvensis field pansy 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGR celeriac 1EURYG Eurygaster weevils 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac ALTERA Alternaria radicina Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
APUGR celeriac BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 1 Central: IE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac CAVAAE Cavariella aegopodii aphids 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
APUGR celeriac FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGR celeriac LYGULI Lygus lineolaris bugs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
APUGR celeriac MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: IE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGR celeriac SOLTU Solanum tuberosum potato 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops no crop group defined
APUGR celeriac URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGR celeriac VIOAR Viola arvensis field pansy 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
APUGV wild celery AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery ALTERA Alternaria radicina Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery PHLCFE Phlyctaenia ferrugalis Phlyctaenia ferrugalis 1 1 Southern: IT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery SEPTAP Septoria apiicola Septoria 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
APUGV wild celery TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
ARHHY peanuts APHICR Aphis craccivora aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ARHHY peanuts PRATBR Pratylenchus brachyurus nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ARWLA horseradish CERCSP Cercospora sp. cercospora leaf spot 1 1 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ARWLA horseradish HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ARWLA horseradish PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ARWLA horseradish PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ASPOF asparagus 1BRCLG Brachycorynella aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPOF asparagus 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPOF asparagus AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPOF asparagus BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined arable crops brassica arable crops
ASPOF asparagus CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ASPOF asparagus HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPOF asparagus HYPTCA Parahypopta caestrum moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPSS asparagus PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ASPSS asparagus TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ATIAR baby kiwi HELTHA Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIAR baby kiwi PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ATIAR baby kiwi PSDMVF Pseudomonas viridiflava bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm ACEIGU Aceria guerreronis coconut mite 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm ALEDDI Aleurodicus dispersus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm ALEDPU Aleurodicus pulvinatus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm ALTRAT Aleurotrachelus atratus coconut whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm BRSSSO Brassolis sophorae caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm CASTDA Eupalamides cyparissias caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm CEATVA Cerataphis brasiliensis aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm GESRCE Gestronella centrolineata beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm HOPCMA Hoplochelus marginalis weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm ICERPU Icerya purchasi scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm METAHE Metamasius hemipterus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm NIPANI Nipaecoccus nipae mealybugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm RAOIIN Raoiella indica mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm RHINBA Rhinostomus barbirostris weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm RHYCFE Rhynchophorus ferrugineus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm RHYCPA Rhynchophorus palmarum weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm SESACA Sesamia calamistis caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BCTGA peach palm STRGAL Strategus aloeus beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
BEAVA sugar beet 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVA sugar beet 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVA sugar beet DISOSP Disonycha sp. flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVC fodder beet CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BEAVC fodder beet grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) ATOMLI Atomaria linearis pygmy mangold beetle 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVC fodder beet grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) LIXUSP Lixus sp. Lixus (true weevil) 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVC fodder beet grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops beet crops
BEAVD beetroot 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot CIRCTE Circulifer tenellus leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot CYLAFO Cylas formicarius weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot GRAGLE Naupactus leucoloma whitefringed weevil 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot HETDSC Heterodera schachtii beet cyst nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot MACTFS Macrosteles quadrilineatus leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVD beetroot STRESC Streptomyces scabiei scab 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BEAVF swiss chard 1HALTG Altica Altica 1 1 Southern: IT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVF swiss chard 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVF swiss chard 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVF swiss chard PEGOHY Pegomya hyoscyami flies 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVF swiss chard ZZXXFF unknown fungal pathogen unknown fungal pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet PEGOHY Pegomya hyoscyami flies 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet PYTHDE Pythium debaryanum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVV chard beet, leaf beet ZZXXFF unknown fungal pathogen unknown fungal pathogen 1 1 Southern: IT
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
BEAVX beet 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops beetroot crops
BEAVX beet 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops beetroot crops
BEGEH winter-flowering begonia FUSAFO Fusarium foetens fusarium wilt 1 1 Central: BE
g fungicide Ornamentals
BEGKH hybrid tuberous begonia PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: BE
f nematicide Ornamentals
BEGKH hybrid tuberous begonia XANTCA Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris black rot 1 1 Central: BE
f bactericide Ornamentals
BRSCH pak-choi BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi HLULUN Hellula undalis webworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi HYLEFL Delia floralis root fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSCH pak-choi PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard HLULUN Hellula undalis webworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard MELIAE Brassicogethes aeneus pollen beetle 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSJU brown mustard PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip ERYSCR Erysiphe cruciferarum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip HYLEFL Delia floralis root fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip TIPUOL Tipula oleracea crane flies 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNA swedish turnip TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSNN oilseed rape 1FUSAG Fusarium 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape RHIZSP Rhizoctonia sp. damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PHOMSP Phoma sp. Phoma sp. 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSNN oilseed rape treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 1 1 Northern: LV
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSOA kale ATALCO Athalia rosae saw flies 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOA kale BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOA kale PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOA kale SCATFL Scaptomyza flava leaf miners 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOA kale THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 1 1 Southern: IT
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower BARISP Baris sp. baris 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower CEUTPL Ceutorhynchus assimilis cabbage weevil 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower ERYSCR Erysiphe cruciferarum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower EURDOL Eurydema oleraceum 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower HLULUN Hellula undalis webworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PEROPA Hyaloperonospora parasitica downy mildew 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOB cauliflower RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BRSOF Brussels sprouts HPERBR Hyaloperonospora brassicae downy mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOF Brussels sprouts VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi CONTNA Contarinia nasturtii Swede midge 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi PHYENE Phyllotreta nemorum flea beetles 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOG kohlrabi PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli ERYSCR Erysiphe cruciferarum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli PSDMFL Pseudomonas fluorescens pink eye of potato 1 1 Central: UK
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOK broccoli RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage BARICO Baris coerulescens baris 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage LEPTMA Plenodomus lingam dry rot / black leg 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PHYTPO Phytophthora porri Phytophthora 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PYRPBR Pyrenopeziza brassicae light leaf spot 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PYTHDE Pythium debaryanum Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOL white cabbage treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOP smoothleaf kale 1INSEC Insecta Insects 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOP smoothleaf kale BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOP smoothleaf kale PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOP smoothleaf kale PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOP smoothleaf kale PLUTMA Plutella xylostella diamond black moth 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
BRSOR red cabbage ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOR red cabbage BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Central: IE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale BARABR Mamestra brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale BRVCBR Brevicoryne brassicae aphids 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale HLULUN Hellula undalis webworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale PIERBR Pieris brassicae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale PIERRA Artogeia rapae caterpillars 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSOW kale SCATFL Scaptomyza flava leaf miners 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage ATALCO Athalia rosae saw flies 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage PHYEFL Phyllotreta flexuosa flea beetles 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSPK peking cabbage RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRO turnip rape PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops brassica arable crops
BRSRR turnips ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
BRSRR turnips POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSRR turnips PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas BARISP Baris sp. baris 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas CEUTPL Ceutorhynchus assimilis cabbage weevil 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas DELISP Delia sp. fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BRSSS leafy brassicas HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
BUXSE box FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
CAUTI safflower NYSIVI Nysius vinitor bugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs arable crops no crop group defined
CFYBI siam lily ERYSGR Blumeria graminis powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Ornamentals
CFYBI siam lily HETDMA Heterodera avenae cereal cyst nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Ornamentals
CHYHO chrysanthemum VERTSP Verticillium sp. Verticillium wilt 1 1 Central: NL
fg fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
CIAPA papaya 1BCTRG Bactrocera fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya BRVPPH Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato passion vine mite 1 1 Southern: PT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya CERTSP Ceratitis sp. fly 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya PACOMA Paracoccus marginatus papaya mealybug 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CIAPA papaya TETRPI Tetranychus piercei mites 1 1 Southern: PT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
CICEC winter endive 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEC winter endive 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive ALTHHO Aleurothrixus howardi whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive THRISP Thrips sp. thrips 1 1 Central: NL
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICEN endive treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICIF witloof chicory 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICIF witloof chicory 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICIF witloof chicory NAPOLA Napomyza lateralis calendula fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICIF witloof chicory SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
CICIN chicory 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIN chicory ALTEDA Alternaria dauci Alternaria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIN chicory PHYTSP Phytophthora sp. Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIN chicory PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIN chicory THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CICIS chicory 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CICIS chicory AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CICIS chicory PSYICH Psylliodes chrysocephala flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CICIS chicory TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
CIDLI lemon COCCPS Coccus pseudomagnoliarum gray citrus scale 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDLI lemon METTCI Panonychus citri citrus red spider mite 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDLI lemon ORCMCI Orchamoplatus citri australian citrus whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDRE mandarin 3PUQIT PGR fruit quality improvement 1 1 Southern: FR
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CIDRE mandarin BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops citrus fruit crops
CITLA watermelon ACAYVT Acalymma vittatum cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon DIABME Diabrotica sinuata cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon DIABUH Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: LT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon PSDMAC Acidovorax citrulli bacteria 1 1 Central: HU
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon PSPECU Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew 1 1 Northern: LT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CMJSP cotton AGRYVA Agrypnus variabilis beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Unclassified
CMJSP cotton APHICR Aphis craccivora aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Unclassified
CMJSP cotton BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Unclassified
CMJSP cotton CAMYLB Campylomma liebknechti bugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Unclassified
CMJSP cotton PHMPOM Phymatotrichopsis omnivora cotton root rot 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Unclassified
CMJSP cotton PSECVI Ferrisia virgata mealybugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Unclassified
CNISA hemp SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: FI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CNISA hemp grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CNISA hemp grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PSYISP Psylliodes sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CNISA hemp grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common BIDPA Bidens pilosa var. radiata weeds 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common BIDPA Bidens pilosa var. radiata weeds 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common ERYSBE Erysiphe betae powdery mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CORSA coriander, common POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CPSAN sweet pepper 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper ANTHEU Anthonomus eugenii weevils 1 1 Central: SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper COLLDE Colletotrichum dematium anthracnose 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper DACUCM Zeugodacus cucumis fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper DACUTR Bactrocera tryoni fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper ECHTAM Echinothrips americanus thrips 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper EMPOSP Empoasca sp. 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper FRANSP Frankliniella sp. thrips 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: CH
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Northern: NO
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper LIOCTR Liocoris tripustulatus bugs 1 1 Northern: SE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PEPMV0 Potexvirus pepini viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PHENSL Phenacoccus solani wooly aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Northern: EE
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PLUSCH Chrysodeixis chalcites caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper SCLORO Athelia rolfsii Sclerotinia 1 1 Southern: ES
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper SOLNI Solanum nigrum black nightshade 1 1 Central: SI
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper THRISE Thrips setosus 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper TMV000 Tobamovirus tabaci viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSAN sweet pepper VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli ALEDDI Aleurodicus dispersus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli CHILCU Begomovirus chillicapsici chili leaf curl virus 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli COLLAC Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato anthracnose of strawberry 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli PEPMV0 Potexvirus pepini viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Northern: EE
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli PVMV00 Potyvirus capsivenae pepper veinal mottle virus 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli RALSSO Ralstonia solanacearum species complex bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli SCITDO Scirtothrips dorsalis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli TOMV00 Tobamovirus tomatotessellati tomato mosaic 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli TSWV00 Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae viruses 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CPSFR chilli VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CRYCA common caraway 1MATG Matricaria chamomille 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway 1PHOPG Phomopsis (rejected name) Phomopsis 1 1 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway 1UMBF Apiaceae umbel disease 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Central: AT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
CRYCA common caraway treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) 1GERG Geranium geranium 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) ACEICA Aceria carvi gall mite 1 1 Central: AT
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway 1MATG Matricaria chamomille 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CRYCA common caraway POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
CRYSS carum sp. CIRAR Cirsium arvense creeping thistle 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
CSNSA chestnut 1RHCDG Rhacodiella Rhacodiella 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut ENDOPA Cryphonectria parasitica chestnut blight 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut PAMMFA Pammene fasciana 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut PHYTCM Phytophthora cambivora chestnut ink 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut PHYTCN Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CSNSA chestnut ZEUZPY Zeuzera pyrina leopard moth 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CUMME melon 1CRTZG Ceratothripoides ceratothripoides 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon ACAYVT Acalymma vittatum cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon APHICR Aphis craccivora aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon BRYOCR Bryobia graminum mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon CLADSP Cladosporium sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DACUCI Dacus ciliatus fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DACUCM Zeugodacus cucumis fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DACUCU Zeugodacus cucurbitae leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DACUTR Bactrocera tryoni fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DIABUN Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DIDAVE Dacus vertebratus fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon DPHNIN Diaphania indica cucumber moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon HALODE Halotydeus destructor mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon HEMTLA Polyphagotarsonemus latus mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon HENSEL Henosepilachna elaterii elaterii melon beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon LIRITR Liriomyza trifolii leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon MACSEU Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PENHMA Penthaleus major mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PSDMPT Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon TETRLU Tetranychus ludeni mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMME melon grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber 1AUACG Aulacophora aulacophora 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber 1LEPIO Lepidoptera caterpillars 1 1 Northern: NO
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber 1PYTHG Pythium cavity spot 1 1 Northern: NO
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: EE
g other Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: DK
g plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber ACAYVT Acalymma vittatum cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AUACSI Aulacophora indica leaf beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber BRYOCR Bryobia graminum mites 1 1 Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber CLADCU Cladosporium cucumerinum scab 1 1 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber CONOEX Conoderus exsul wireworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber DACUCM Zeugodacus cucumis fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber DACUTR Bactrocera tryoni fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber DIABUN Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber HALODE Halotydeus destructor mites 1 1 Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: CH
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber HELIPU Helicoverpa punctigera native budworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber LIOCTR Liocoris tripustulatus bugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber LIRIBO Liriomyza bryoniae leaf miners 1 1 Northern: NO
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber LYGUPA Lygocoris pabulinus capsids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PENHMA Penthaleus major mites 1 1 Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Northern: EE
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber RADOSI Radopholus similis nematodes 1 1 Central: SI
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CUMSA cucumber TETRLU Tetranychus ludeni mites 1 1 Central: SI
fg acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber THRIPL Thrips palmi thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber ULOCCN Alternaria consortialis Alternaria 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUMSA cucumber VERTDA Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUHY fruiting vegetables (cucurbits) FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUHY fruiting vegetables (cucurbits) FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin ALTECU Alternaria cucumerina Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUMA giant pumpkin SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow ACAYVT Acalymma vittatum cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow ANASTR Anasa tristis bugs 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow COLLLA Colletotrichum orbiculare anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow DIABUN Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow LIRIHU Liriomyza huidobrensis leaf miners 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPE marrow SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette ACAYVT Acalymma vittatum cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette AGRISO Agriotes sordidus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
CUUPG courgette CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CUUPG courgette CMV000 Cucumovirus CMV cucumber mosaiv virus 1 1 Northern: EE
fg viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette CONOEX Conoderus exsul wireworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette DACUCM Zeugodacus cucumis fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette DACUTR Bactrocera tryoni fruit flies 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette DIABUN Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata cucumber beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette FRANOC Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CUUPG courgette FUSACC Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum fusarium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette FUSASO Fusarium solani Fusarium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette FUSASU Fusarium cucurbiticola root rot 1 1 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette LIRISP Liriomyza sp. leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CUUPG courgette MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette MYZUPE Myzus persicae green peach aphid 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Central: UK
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette PSPESP Pseudoperonospora sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette THRITB Thrips tabaci onion thrips 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
CUUPG courgette URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CXSES dasheen ALEDDI Aleurodicus dispersus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen APHIGO Aphis gossypii aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen BEMIAR Bemisia argentifolii whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen HIPTCE Hippotion celerio taro hawkmoth/ hornworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen PHYTOO Phytophthora colocasiae Phytophtora 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CXSES dasheen TAROPR Tarophagus proserpina taro planthopper 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYDOB quince HALYHA Halyomorpha halys brown marmorated stink bug 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
CYLAV hazelnuts 3PSGIT PGR shoot growth inhibition Sucker 1 1 Southern: FR
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts CECPVE Cecidophyopsis vermiformis mites 1 1 Central: SI
f acaricide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts CRSPAN Anisogramma anomala eastern filbert blight 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts PALOPR Palomena prasina green bug 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts SPHACO Elsinoë coryli hazelnut anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYLAV hazelnuts XANTCY Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
CYUCA cardoons 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons BRDSCA Brachycaudus cardui aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons CAPIHO Capitophorus horni capitophorus horni 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons DEPRER Depressaria erinaceella caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUCA cardoons 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
CYUSC globe artichoke 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
DAUCS carrot 1ATALG Athalia Athalia 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot AETEWI Aethes williana Aethes williana 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot AGROSE Agrotis segetum caterpillars 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
DAUCS carrot ALEUPR Aleyrodes proletella whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot BCTCTR Bactericera trigonica psylla 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot BRSNN Brassica napus oilseed rape 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops arable crops brassica arable crops
DAUCS carrot CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
DAUCS carrot CYLAFO Cylas formicarius weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot DIABSC Diabrotica speciosa San Antonio beetle 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot DITYDE Ditylenchus destructor potato root nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot DYSACR Dysaphis crataegi hawthorn-carrot aphid 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot ERYSHE Erysiphe heraclei powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot LYGUKA Orthops kalmii Japanese tarnished plant bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot LYGURU Lygus rugulipennis tarnished plant bug 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot MELOSP Melolontha sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot NOCTPR Noctua pronuba common yellow underwing moth 1 1 Southern: IT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PHYTME Phytophthora megasperma root rot of asparagus 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PLADBR Plasmodiophora brassicae club root 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot POLCO Fallopia convolvulus weeds 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot SENVU Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot TETRUR Tetranychus urticae two-spotted spider mite 1 1 Central: NL
g acaricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 1 1 Central: HU
f other Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot TIPUOL Tipula oleracea crane flies 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops
DAUCS carrot URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Central: IE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
DAUCS carrot VIOAR Viola arvensis field pansy 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops umbelliferous vegetable crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
DINCA carnation ALTEDI Alternaria dianthi blight of carnation 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
DINCA carnation FUSADI Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi fusarium 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
DINCA carnation RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
DINCA carnation UROMDI Uromyces dianthi rust of carnation 1 1 Southern: EL
g fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
DIPTE perennial wallrocket BREMLA Bremia lactucae downy mildew 1 1 Southern: PT
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DIPTE perennial wallrocket CYNDA Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DIPTE perennial wallrocket POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
DIPTE perennial wallrocket URTUR Urtica urens small nettle 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
DOSKA kaki 3TARGK Targets targets 1 1 Southern: PT
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
DOSKA kaki CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
DOSKA kaki DOSKA Diospyros kaki kaki 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined fruit crops no crop group defined
DOSKA kaki THRIIM Thrips imaginis thrips 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
EIOJA loquat 1PHYTG Phytophthora Phytophthora 1 1 Southern: CY
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
EIOJA loquat CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ERUVE salad rockets 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets ALTEBA Alternaria brassicae Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets ALTEBI Alternaria brassicicola Alternaria 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets ATALCO Athalia rosae saw flies 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets CAPBP Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
ERUVE salad rockets FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
ERUVE salad rockets POLAV Polygonum aviculare knotgrass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets SCATFL Scaptomyza flava leaf miners 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets SENSS Senecio sp. 1 1 Central: CH
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERUVE salad rockets PHYEUN Phyllotreta undulata 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
ERXFO false coriander HALCBR Halticus bractatus garden fleahopper 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
ETQED palm hearts 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ETQED palm hearts BRSSSO Brassolis sophorae caterpillars 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ETQED palm hearts CASTDA Eupalamides cyparissias caterpillars 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ETQED palm hearts COLLSP Colletotrichum sp. anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ETQED palm hearts HOPCMA Hoplochelus marginalis weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm ACEIGU Aceria guerreronis coconut mite 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm ALEDDI Aleurodicus dispersus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm ALEDPU Aleurodicus pulvinatus whiteflies 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm ALTRAT Aleurotrachelus atratus coconut whitefly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm BRSSSO Brassolis sophorae caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm CASTDA Eupalamides cyparissias caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm CEATVA Cerataphis brasiliensis aphids 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm GESRCE Gestronella centrolineata beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm HOPCMA Hoplochelus marginalis weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm ICERPU Icerya purchasi scales 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm METAHE Metamasius hemipterus weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm NIPANI Nipaecoccus nipae mealybugs 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm RAOIIN Raoiella indica mites 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm RHINBA Rhinostomus barbirostris weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm RHYCPA Rhynchophorus palmarum weevils 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm SESACA Sesamia calamistis caterpillars 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
ETQOL pina palm STRGAL Strategus aloeus beetles 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
EUEUN pitanga CERTCA Ceratitis capitata mediterranean fruit fly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FAGES buckwheat PHYSPO Phyllosticta polygonorum leaf spots 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
FESAR reed fescue TRZAX Triticum aestivum soft wheat 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops arable crops cereal crops
FESPR meadow fescue grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
FIUBE ficus tree PSECCI Planococcus citri mealybug 1 1 Central: BE
g insecticide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental woody plants
FIUCA figs CARHSP Carpophilus sp. Carpophilus 1 1 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FIUCA figs EMPOLY Jacobiasca lybica leafhoppers 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FOEVD sweet fennel BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FOEVD sweet fennel SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Southern: IT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry 1COLLG Colletotrichum colletotrichum 1 1 Northern: NO
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry 3PSSCT PGR sucker, stolon, runner control PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: SE
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry ALEUFA Aleyrodes lonicerae strawberry whitefly 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry ALLACA Allantus calceatus sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry ALLACI Allantus cinctus banded rose sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry APLOFR Aphelenchoides fragariae nematodes 1 1 Northern: EE
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry DIPCEA Diplocarpon fragariae leaf scorch 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry DITYDI Ditylenchus dipsaci stem and bulb nematode 1 1 Northern: EE
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry DITYSP Ditylenchus sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry FUSAFR Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae 1 1 Central: CH
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry PHILSU Philaenus spumarius meadow spittlebug 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry PRATPE Pratylenchus penetrans northern root-lesion nematode 1 1 Central: NL
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry SEPTFR Septoria fragariae brown leaf spot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
FRAAN strawberry TAROF Taraxacum officinale dandelion, common 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
FRAAN strawberry TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
FRAAN strawberry grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) XANTSP Xanthomonas sp. xanthomonas 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
GGGGG grasses grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 1INSEC Insecta Insects 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Ornamentals
GGGGG grasses grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3WEEDT weeds weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals
GLACO common gladiolus FUSAOX Fusarium oxysporum basal rot 1 1 Southern: EL
fg fungicide Ornamentals
GLACO common gladiolus PUCCGL Puccinia gladioli rust 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
GLACO common gladiolus SCLEDR Sclerotinia draytonii corm rot of gladiolus 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
GLASS gladiolus sp. TAETSI Thrips simplex thrips 1 1 Central: NL
i insecticide Ornamentals
GLXMA soya beans APHIFA Aphis fabae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans APHIGY Aphis glycines soybean aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans CERMTR Cerotoma trifurcata bean leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans DECSTE Dectes texanus stem borer 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans GELESI Aproaerema simplexella soybean moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans MEAGSO Melanagromyza sojae stem fly 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans MYRORO Paramyrothecium roridum leaf spot diseases 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans NEZAHI Chinavia hilaris bugs 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans PLAHSC Hypena scabra green clover worm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans POLIPI Ceramica pisi pea moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans PSEPIN Chrysodeixis includens soybean looper 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans THEMGE Anticarsia gemmatalis velvet-bean caterpillar 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GLXMA soya beans XANTGL Xanthomonas citri pv. glycines bacterial pustule of soybean 1 1 Northern: EE
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
GYPPA tall gypsophila BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
GYPPA tall gypsophila PHYTNN Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae mildew 1 1 Southern: EL
f fungicide Ornamentals
HELAN sunflower 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: EE
f other Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower AGRILI Agriotes lineatus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
HELAN sunflower ANTAR Anthemis arvensis field chamomile 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower ANURHE Brachycaudus helichrysi aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower ARTVU Artemisia vulgaris common wormwood 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined weeds dicotyledonous weeds
HELAN sunflower ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELAN sunflower SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
HELTU jerusalem artichoke 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
HELTU jerusalem artichoke ERYSCI Golovinomyces cichoracearum powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
HORVW winter barley 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: EE
f other Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley AVEFA Avena fatua wild oat 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley CEPHPY Cephus pygmeus european wheat-stem sawfly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley COCHSA Bipolaris sorokiniana foot rot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley ERYSGR Blumeria graminis powdery mildew 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley EURYMA Eurygaster maura cereal bug,tortoise bug 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley GAEUGR Gaeumannomyces graminis take-all of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley HAPDMA Haplodiplosis marginata saddle gall midge 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley LEMALI Oulema gallaeciana cereal leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley LEMAME Oulema melanopus leaf beetle 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley LEPTNO Parastagonospora nodorum glume blotch of wheat 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley MAYEDE Mayetiola destructor hessian fly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley MONGNI Microdochium nivale foot rot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley OSCIFR Oscinella frit frit flies 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley PSDCHE Oculimacula yallundae eyespot of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley PUCCGR Puccinia graminis black stem rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley PUCCHD Puccinia hordei brown rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley PYRNGR Pyrenophora graminea leaf stripe of barley 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley PYRNTE Pyrenophora teres net blotch of barley 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley RHYNSE Rhynchosporium secalis leaf blotch of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley TYPHIN Typhula incarnata snow blight of cereals 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley USTIHA Ustilago hordei f. sp. avenae covered smut of oats 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HORVW winter barley USTINH Ustilago nuda loose smut of barley 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables
HUMLU hop 1BOTTG Botryotinia (rejected name) botryotinia 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Hops arable crops no crop group defined
HYAOR hyacinth ERWICA Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato bacteria 1 1 Central: NL
f bactericide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
HYAOR hyacinth XANTSP Xanthomonas sp. xanthomonas 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Ornamentals ornamental plants (terrestrial) ornamental herbaceous plants
HYPPE common st. john's wort AGRLHY Agrilus hyperici St. John's wort root borer (larve) 1 1 Central: AT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
HYPPE common st. john's wort POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: AT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
HYPPE common st. john's wort POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
IPABA garden balsam PLASOB Plasmopara obducens downy mildew 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Ornamentals
IPOBA sweet potato 2WEED weed plants weeds 1 1 Central: CH
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato ACRXOC Acromyrmex octospinosus ants 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato ALTESO Alternaria solani Alternaria 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato COLLSP Colletotrichum sp. anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato CONOEX Conoderus exsul wireworm 1 1 Northern: DK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato CYLAFO Cylas formicarius weevils 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato HELIAR Helicoverpa armigera bollworm 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato LAPHEG Spodoptera exigua armyworms 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato PLENDE Diaporthe destruens foot rot 1 1 Southern: PT
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato RHIZSO Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Southern: PT
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato SCUNBR Scutellonema bradys nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
IPOBA sweet potato SPODLI Spodoptera littoralis caterpilars 1 1 Southern: PT
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ISATI dyer's woad 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined
ISATI dyer's woad AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops no crop group defined herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
IUGRE walnut 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut ERWIRU Brenneria rubrifaciens deep bark canker 1 1 Central: HU
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut GNOMLE Ophiognomonia leptostyla walnut anthracnose 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut LASPAM Cydia amplana rusty oak moth 1 1 Central: SI
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut PSDMSY Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae bacterian drying 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
IUGRE walnut XANTJU Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis bacteria 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops nut crops
LACSA lettuce 1LEPIO Lepidoptera caterpillars 1 1 Northern: NO
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce 1PRATG Pratylenchus nematodes 1 1 Southern: FR
fg nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce AGRIOB Agriotes obscurus wireworm 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce AULASO Aulacorthum solani aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce HELIPU Helicoverpa punctigera native budworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce HYPELA Hyperomyzus lactucae aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce MACSRO Macrosiphum rosae green rose aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce NASOSP Nasonovia sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce PHYYHO Chromatomyia horticola leaf miners 1 1 Northern: NO
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce POLLA Persicaria lapathifolia pale persicaria 1 1 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica) weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LACSA lettuce POROL Portulaca oleracea purslane 1 1 Southern: PT
fg herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce PYTHUL Pythium ultimum damping-off of seedlings 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 1 1 Northern: NO
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSA lettuce TRIAVA Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSC head lettuce HELIPU Helicoverpa punctigera native budworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSC head lettuce PRODLI Spodoptera litura leafworm 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LACSC head lettuce PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
LAVAN common lavender 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
LAVAN common lavender RESSLA Resseliella lavandulae cecidomyies 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops herb crops
LENCU lentils AGRISP Agriotes sp. wireworms 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops legume vegetable crops
LENTED shiitake DACYDE Hypomyces rosellus cobweb 1 1 Southern: FR
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
LENTED shiitake DACYSP Dactylium sp. Dactylium 1 1 Southern: FR
i fungicide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
LENTED shiitake PSDMSP Pseudomonas sp. blights 1 1 Southern: ES
i bactericide Mushrooms vegetable crops edible mushroom crops
LEPSA garden cress HYLERA Delia radicum cabbage root fly 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LEPSA garden cress PEROSP Peronospora sp. mildew 1 1 Southern: FR
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LEPSA garden cress PHYESP Phyllotreta sp. flea beetles 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops
LIHCH litchi CERTRO Ceratitis rosa leaf miners 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
LIHCH litchi CTPUAN Cratopus angustatus beetle 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops no crop group defined
LIIVU sea lavender CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LIUUT flax 1SCARF Scarabaeidae grubs 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: EE
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax CEUTSA Ceutorhynchus sareptanus weevils 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax COLLLI Colletotrichum lini anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax CVCSS Cuscuta sp. dodder 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax FUSALI Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini fusarium 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax MELMLI Melampsora lini rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax MYCOLN Mycosphaerella linicola pasmo disease of flax,spasm disease of linseed 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax ORARA Orobanche ramosa hemp broomrape 1 1 Southern: FR
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax PHAOEP Cochylis epilinana flax fruit borer 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LIUUT flax TIPUPA Tipula paludosa crane fly 1 1 Central: NL
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops spice crops
LOLPE perennial ryegrass PUCCGP Puccinia graminis f. sp. poae black stem rust 1 1 Central: NL
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops grass crops
LONCO blue honeysuckle 1ERYSG Erysiphe 1 1 Northern: FI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops small fruit crops
LUPAN blue lupin AGROGL Agrotis gladiaria cutworms 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
LUPAN blue lupin BOTRCI Botrytis cinerea grey mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin CENCY Centaurea cyanus cornflower 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin CHEAL Chenopodium album fat-hen, white goosefoot 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LUPAN blue lupin CIRAR Cirsium arvense creeping thistle 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin CONAR Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin ECHCG Echinochloa crus-galli cockspur 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin EROCI Erodium cicutarium common crowfoot 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin FUMOF Fumaria officinalis common fumitory 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
LUPAN blue lupin GALAP Galium aparine cleavers 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LUPAN blue lupin PAPRH Papaver rhoeas common poppy 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
LUPAN blue lupin SCLESC Sclerotinia sclerotiorum white mould 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops
LUPAN blue lupin STEME Stellaria media chickweed 1 1 Northern: EE
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops legume crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
LUPSS Lupinus sp. 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Ornamentals
LUPSS Lupinus sp. AGRRE Elymus repens couchgrass 1 1 Northern: FI
f herbicide Ornamentals herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
LYPES tomato 1LEPIO Lepidoptera caterpillars 1 1 Northern: NO
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Central: SI
g plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato APHISP Aphis sp. aphids 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato BEMISP Bemisia sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato DIDYLY Boeremia lycopersici stem black foot 1 1 Northern: SE
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato GLOMCI Glomerella cingulata anthracnose 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato HYLEPL Delia platura onion maggot 1 1 Northern: EE
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato LYGUSP Lygus sp. bugs 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato METFPR Metcalfa pruinosa mealy flata 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato MYZUCI Neomyzus circumflexus aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PACOIN Paracoccus interceptus glasshouse mealy bug 1 1 Central: UK
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PARZCO Bactericera cockerelli psyllids 1 1 Central: SI
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PHYTCP Phytophthora capsici Phytophthora 1 1 Northern: EE
i fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PLUSCH Chrysodeixis chalcites caterpillars 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: SE
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato POLIOL Lacanobia oleracea tomato moth 1 1 Northern: EE
i insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PSECOB Pseudococcus viburni wooly aphids / mealybugs 1 1 Central: NL
g insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PYRELY Pseudopyrenochaeta lycopersici corky root of tomato 1 1 Northern: SE
g fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PYTHAP Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato PYTOGA Autographa gamma silver moth 1 1 Northern: EE
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato RALSSO Ralstonia solanacearum species complex bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato TMV000 Tobamovirus tabaci viruses 1 1 Northern: EE
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato TOMV00 Tobamovirus tomatotessellati tomato mosaic 1 1 Central: UK
g viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato TRIASP Trialeurodes sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato TYLCV0 Begomovirus coheni viruses 1 1 Central: SI
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato VERTAA Verticillium alboatrum sensu lato Verticillium wilt 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
LYPES tomato XANTAV Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria (no longer in use) bacteria 1 1 Central: SI
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
MABSD apple 1COLLG Colletotrichum colletotrichum 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple 1NFABG Neofabraea lenticell rot 1 1 Northern: NO
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple 3PGRST PGR targets PGR sucker, stolon, runner control 1 1 Northern: EE
fg plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple AGRBTU Agrobacterium tumefaciens crown gall 1 1 Northern: EE
f bactericide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ARCHCR Archips crataegana fruit tree tortrix 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple BOTSOB Diplodia seriata black rot of apple 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple CACORO Archips rosana European leaf roller 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple CHEIBR Operophtera brumata common winter moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple DROSSU Drosophila suzukii spotted wing drosophila 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple DYSADE Dysaphis devecta rosy leaf-curling aphid 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ENARFO Enarmonia formosana bark tortrix 1 1 Northern: NO
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple GLODPO Phyllachora pomigena blotch disease of apple 1 1 Northern: SE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple HYPNMA Yponomeuta malinella apple ermine moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple MALANE Malacosoma neustria common lackey moth 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple MICRAR Microtus arvalis common vole 1 1 Northern: SE
f rodenticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple ORIEIS Orientus ishidae 1 1 Central: DE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple PHENAC Phenacoccus aceris apple mealybug 1 1 Northern: SE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
MABSD apple PSYLMA Psylla mali apple sucker 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
MABSD apple RHAGPO Rhagoletis pomonella apple maggot 1 1 Central: SK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables fruit crops pome fruit crops
ZEAMX maize KABAZE Aureobasidium zeae eye spot of maize 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize MSV000 Mastrevirus storeyi streak of maize 1 1 Northern: EE
f viricide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize OSCIFR Oscinella frit frit flies 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize PUCCSO Puccinia sorghi rust 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize PYRUNU Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize USTIMA Ustilago maydis blister smut of maize 1 1 Northern: EE
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) GIBBZE Fusarium graminearum 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize treatment of seeds (3SEEDO) PYTSP Phyteuma spicatum 1 1 Southern: PT
i herbicide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
VLLLO lamb's lettuce THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 1 1 Northern: EE
fg fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
VLLLO lamb's lettuce THIEBA Berkeleyomyces basicola black rot 1 1 Central: SI
fg insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops leafy vegetable crops (excluding brassica)
YPFLG forest nursery 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Central: NL
f herbicide Ornamentals
ZEAME popcorn SETOTU Exserohilum turcicum nothern leaf blight 1 1 Central: SI
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn CORVFR Corvus frugilegus rook 1 1 Southern: FR
f repellent Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn DITYSP Ditylenchus sp. 1 1 Southern: FR
f nematicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn GIBBZE Fusarium graminearum 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn MYZUSP Myzus sp. aphids 1 1 Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn NEZAVI Nezara viridula bugs 1 1 Central: UK
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn PYTHSP Pythium sp. Pythium 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn SCUTIM Scutigerella immaculata Symphyllans 1 1 Southern: FR
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn SPHTRE Sporisorium reilianum 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn USTIMA Ustilago maydis blister smut of maize 1 1 Southern: FR
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3DICOT dicotyledonous weeds dicotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMS sweet corn grown for seed for propagation (3SEEDD) 3MNCOT monocotyledonous weeds monocotyledonous weeds 1 1 Southern: IT
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
ZEAMX maize 3PDEST PGR desiccant PGR dessicant 1 1 Northern: EE
f plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize AGRISU Agriotes sputator wireworm 1 1 Central: CH
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize AGROYP Agrotis ipsilon black cutworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize APHIMI Aphis middletonii aphids 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize BEMITA Bemisia tabaci silver-leaf whitefly 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
ZEAMX maize DIABVZ Diabrotica virgifera zeae rootworm 1 1 Northern: EE
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables arable crops maize and millet crops
VIGSI cowpea LAMDBO Lampides boeticus blue butterfly 1 0 Southern: CY
f insecticide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops no crop group defined
BRSNA swedish turnip MATIN Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless false mayweed 1 0 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops vegetable brassica crops weeds dicotyledonous weeds
CORSA coriander, common PSDMSX Pseudomonas syringae bacterial canker 1 0 Central: HU
f bactericide Fresh herbs herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
LYPES tomato 3PURST PGR fruit ripening stimulation PGR fruit ripening stimulation 1 0 Central: NL
g plant growth regulator Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting solanaceous vegetable crops
CITLA watermelon DIDYBR Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum gummy stem blight 1 0 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops
ALLPO leek POAAN Poa annua annual meadow grass 1 0 Northern: NO
f herbicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops allium vegetable crops weeds monocotyledonous weeds
FOEVU common fennel PLASPE Plasmopara petroselini downy mildew 1 0 Central: CH
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables herbs, spices and medicinal crops medicinal crops
CUMME melon DIDYBR Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum gummy stem blight 1 0 Central: HU
f fungicide Fruits and Vegetables vegetable crops fruiting cucurbitaceous vegetable crops